
Found an outfit you would probably find more acceptable.

It’s just I find people who push their opinion on what others shouldn’t consume as entertainment are usually have no understanding or context to what they’re talking about. Like hardcore Christian conservatives and conservative Muslims were/are about rock music, and people like you about video games.

Straw man all day

Any woman who derives her body image standards from a 20 year old street fighter character design probably would have ended up pretty screwed up from anything.

The current media-manufactured discourse that allows a small but vocal segment of a community dictate their aesthetic sensibility over the rest? Is that the one you're talking about?


Why do we know the name of the accused but not the accuser?

beautiful people without kinks are like unsweetened ice cream.

This is some Sharia Law scaremongering clickbait Fox News grade bullshit designed to trick the known-to-be-soft-bellied readership of Jez into fear-clicking and trigger-commenting.


How the the reputation of Sumo dared since that yakuza match fixing we heard about a while back? How is it faring as a sport overall?

“Look, I’m mad about the fact that McDoubles cost $1.29 now, too, but some things are just too far.”

Mos-Def is a big fan of his. Music is art, art is in the eye of the beholder. If you feel like you need to call the art of a popular teenage recording artist you aren’t familiar with hate speech, and suggest that some mechanism exist for it to be banned, made illegal or otherwise taken from society, you have serious

Never go full Lexi

His songs often take place in a fictive therapist’s, dissecting his motivations for singing about sexual violence and similar topics, and he excoriates himself in those songs as doing it for shock value.He confronts himself with hard questions on what he sings about and, besides, he was a teenager when he was making

Rap is an expression of feeling, a story in verse. I want to say I feel sorry for you that you cannot distinguish between expression and direct threats, but I don’t. I just dislike you because you make the world worse for normal, fully-functional people capable of seperating fiction and reality.

False equivalency. Rap isn’t hate speech. Odd Future isn’t hate speech. Willfully conflating rap — which the supereme court has found time and time again to be first-amendment protected expression — and hate speech is intellectually dishonest and bankrupt.

I know this is going to be read by maybe half a person because I’ll be grey until I finally get banned, but I don’t think it’s ever ok to ban art for the sake of people’s feelings, and I think people who do think it’s ok are disgusting in their insides.

Wouldn’t it be cool if all different kinds of art wasn’t constantly under threat by overzealous feminist, professional outrage groups backed by a media eager to exploit manufactured outrage for clicks and ratings?

Season 1: not enough women, women portrayed poorly