
The silence on this topic is deafening.

Jezebel: supporting women’s choices until they can’t be trusted to make their own decisions anymore.

For every good film. How convenient.

Haha, lumping Cosby in with Allen. That’s Grade A Trolling right there.

Ugh, I have to put up with Kristen Stewart at the next Woody Allen movie I see?

It’s obvious they’re scrapping MGO completely. It’s just better press to to push it off than to cancel it. Konami has made it clear they’re out of the games business, why would they devote additional dev time to MGO only to have to devote even further resources to maintaining servers, patches, forums, et cetera?

There’s nothing smart about selling off long term profits for short term gains. You don't know what's smart.

They wouldn’t have a pachinko business off which to attach valuable IP without their games division. Their divestment of the games division is a short term cash grab, likely before they sell off the company.

ugh die

You are crazy.

It’s amazing how commentators here hate every comedian. It’s like you hate humor.

A sports blog telling me it’s ok not to read books. Finally, I can breathe.

I may be wrong, but isn’t the Japanese for “Korrin” just “Colin”?

This is so much out of touch with the reality on the ground it’s insulting.

If you are going to choose a headline plucked from the mind of the lowest-common denominator of a community built on the free exchange of ideas, you’re not doing yourself a service as a journalist and you’re not doing your readers a service by presenting an honest and complete story.

YES. I was at a friend of a friend’s house “right on the border” of the district and got scolded for talking about weed in their house, because the kids might be home at any second.

This review smacks of confirmation bias, and using the word “distasteful” in any review is editorial sin one.

This article is required reading in the school of mattress dragging feminism.

I bet that really, actually happened.

Quintessential jez comment.