Ante Meridiem Cat

Cool, cool, cool. So, are we gonna forget about the fact that she dismissed Cosby accusers (like, all 60+) because she was worried about the show’s legacy (aka her residuals)?

A lot of women on this site like their gay men flamboyant and their black women sassy.

This is a weird comment.

This is a super weird, fetishizing comment.

Give us a list of books that don’t need to exist and we’ll burn them. Oh wait...

Twitter sucks and I want nothing to do with it. Thank you to all who gave kind words and support. See you on Instagram.

Let me also oppose medical marijuana for terminally ill cancer patients because they might get addicted?

If you were diagnosed with terminal cancer would you start a juicing cleanse or eat and drink whatever the fuck you want until the day you die?

I don’t think understanding is the issue, it’s simply that you and the OP have chosen an odd hill to die on. We can talk until we’re blue in the face about the evils in law enforcement around the country. But the cirmcumstances of every crime aren’t apples to apples, and to suggest otherwise is either incredibly naive

From what I understand they were from out of state, so they first had to be identified, located, tracked down and extradited. And they were.

You got video of a violent assault where the perpetrator attacks a random stranger in the street in broad daylight and wasn’t charged? If not, no one needs your whataboutism

She beat an elderly man with a brick for no reason...I’ll take immigrants over homegrown assholes any day.

THANK YOU for reminding me of that. I don’t get why he wasn’t banned or how he’s still out of the grays. His ass needs to be banned.

My exact words when I saw this - “That smug ass son of a bitch!!  I would have kicked him.” Smug people will cause you to fight so quick.

Black card revoked since y’all can’t recognize a damn Popeye’s bag. 

Looks like this cop got caught telling a Whopper.

Honestly, there HAS to be something mentally unwell with him. He’ll go through these long periods of unspectacular but in-line post, and then will have this tourettes bullshit out of nowhere.

It’s one year salary, because that’s what’s remaining on his contract. He requested to receive that payment upfront, and they accommodated him.

Good for them. I know this is part-PR, but still it is good to see Shazier walking around, and still getting paid.

2018 would have been the 5th year option on his rookie contract, and after that he has no contract so it is meaningful that he is getting his full salary, especially since it is unlikely he will play again.