
Isn't this the same thing as saying all muslims are taliban/terrorists? Or all republicans are misogynists? Or all democrats are pro-choice? As someone who was brought up Catholic (but non practicing now) I can tell you there is a lot of good things about it as well as a lot of bad things. I am non-practicing for much

I have to agree with @Etienne Charles. This is a fringe group. I grew up Catholic and while I definitely don't call myself a Catholic now, I don't know one person who would read this and think "Yeah! This represents the Catholic church!" The way this article is presented is as if the website is part of "The Church".

That is exactly what I thought!! Who hasn't come home from a long/hard day at work and thought "I wish someone would do _________ for me" (pay my bills, make me dinner, clean the bathroom). I think whether you are a woman or a man, if you live alone, you have thought about wanting someone to help you.

You seem to think it is a clever question you posed. The evidence of misogyny in that individual and by extension, every individual who thought that it was an awesome idea, is that it didn't even occur them not to use that image. They thought it was an acceptable and cool way to show their business' capabilities.

Sorry. I got about 1 minute into it ("What about domestic violence against men?") and couldn't take it. Had to stop.

"It's a teaching moment" You really have to teach those 6 yr olds that if your poor, life sucks. I mean, how else will they learn?

Sounds cool! I love "Who Do You Think You Are?" on TLC. I am thinking of joining too. I will probably have no problem with my mom's side - East Coast of Canada and US by way of Britain. My Dad's side on the other hand, will be very hard. He's from Jamaica and his mom is black and grew up very poor so I am

If you end up having to have a procedure, talk to your doctor about your fears. They might be able to put you under or sedate you in some way. I mean if the dentist can give you "gas" to do dental work, they can probably do something to make it more psychologically comfortable for you.

I would definitely go back to see your doctor. I had bronchitis for the first time a couple of years ago. I had a bad cough for about 3 months with an occasional fever and had such low energy, I could hardly keep my eyes open and barely functioned. My doctor gave me antibiotics and an inhaler. The inhaler was awesome!

I totally have chronic resting bitchy face. I am so sick of being told to smile, asked "what's wrong?" or "what was that look for?" WHAT LOOK? I wasn't "looking" any particular way! :(

Totally. All my friends have plans but me... going to cottages... having a love-nest weekend with a new boyfriend. And, to top it off my company gave us Friday off too! Which, on one hand, is great - extra long weekend!!! - on the other hand, 4 days instead of 3.

Great response to a comment that I personally thought was shitty - there really was no need to respond with what was basically a "screw you" in not so many words. Hope your night stays happy!

I believe his dad wrote the theme song to Facts of Life too! :)

Question: does your partner/husband get any time off in the UK? In Canada, the first 15 weeks is officially "maternity" leave and the following 35 weeks is "parental" leave that can be taken by the mother or partner or divided between them.

In Canada, we have "parental" leave that can either go to the mother or father or they can split the time between them.

Jesus Badger don't care.

When I read the article I thought the same thing - that Stacey is her real name! :) Either that or Tracey or Casey.

Or, she could write an article for an online magazine that is very popular and widely read, recounting the things that Stacey* did to her while giving details that would leave no question as to who "Stacey" actually is. She could write how she thinks Stacey's* "... life reads like slow soul death" and then let

This gif is the best! I might have to steal it!

They haven't tried to get revenge on Katie Holmes. Even though, she has never spoken publicly about them, the stealthy, planned way she "left" Tom Cruise said a lot about him, and them. I mean - who has to get a secret cell phone to talk with your parents without "someone" finding out? Unless, of course you are not