Yes - he was! I just didn't know it at the time. :)
Yes - he was! I just didn't know it at the time. :)
Even a lecture can be engaging if the person giving it is enthusiastic and wants to be there. I know a couple of teachers (in Ontario) and I know it is a difficult job. Especially with huge class sizes and no budget for teaching assistants. But, you really can't just read from the text book and expect kids to learn.…
That is what I assumed he meant as well. I had a few teachers that barely looked at the class as they spoke in monotones and read out of the text book. The teachers that acted like they wanted to be there were the ones that made class fun and we learned almost without knowing it. Even if the teachers don't agree with…
As someone with a fairly unusual name (growing up the only people who had heard of my name before were 80 yr-old British ladies who "...had a school chum with that name") having a name that is hard to pronounce or spell is not easy on a kid when they are young. I came home from my first day of kindergarten and told my…
Exactly! Instead of telling me to stop daydreaming - how about stop talking in a monotone as you write on the board with your back to class for an hour! I sucked at math all through school, with high school being the worst. The best grade I got in highschool math was a C+ and that teacher (Mr. Cheung) used to use the…
While outbursts usually aren't conducive to positive outcomes, I hope his school listened to this and realized how badly they are failing their students. He wants to learn and even told his teacher how best to teach him "... need to learn face to face..." Excellent - half the battle is over. You now know what will…
I did not like the books either but I read the whole series because I am anal like that. I thought the messages for young girls were horrible. I wanted to punch Bella (also probably not a great message for young girls but come on.)
Baby laughs are instant joy inducers. They are perfect.
Also, don't you usually beat us at everything? :(
Yes! Totally agree. When there is a two-tier system the most at risk people will get even less proper care.
We definitely have a lot of work to do here in Canada. I have to admit, I was surprised and disappointed at our rating. :(
I disagree. First, I find it very hard to believe that saying something racist would end his career. I have yet to hear of any police or military officer of any level getting fired for racist remarks. The US government spent a lot of money training him - they won't let him go for off-the-cuff racism. Second, from my…
what is hard to believe about it?
Maybe her mom is "Hollywood" 5'9". You know, like how Tom Cruise is 5'9".
only someone who's trouble spot is not their arms would think this is silly. It is a shame that so many women fill uncomfortable with any part of their body - but it is just like someone wanting a tummy tuck after weight loss or kids or thinking they want C cup boobs instead of A cup.
I GET IT! I am very overweight now, but even when I was in my 20s and at my smallest (size 8 or 10) I had grandma arms! I even used to workout 2 0r 3x a wk and danced 2x/wk! ( I love old lady bingo arms - that IS what they are!) Even now when I see pictures of me from then, I think "wow - look how small my waist was -…
I've only heard it called whisker burn - but beard burn or pash rash sounds so much less... I don't know old mannish?
GOOD. GOD. I LOVE Jax Teller. I need some alone time now.
As I was reading the article I was thinking this guy sounds like something from an episode of criminal minds.