Been playing games from the Sinclair ZX81 (no multi player then) to the PS4. I think one of the problems with multi player is that mostly you are playing “against” other people rather than “with” other people.
Been playing games from the Sinclair ZX81 (no multi player then) to the PS4. I think one of the problems with multi player is that mostly you are playing “against” other people rather than “with” other people.
Word of warning. Some versions of Windows will not let you format a USB Drive equal or larger than 64GB as FAT32, only allowing NTFS. If this is the case you will need a 3rd party formatting program if you want to change the drive’s format or reformat it.
Did you know you can just walk away from Pascal rather than wipe or destroy him?
The Micro Transactions are strong in this one :)
At 12 years old now (the dog) I think (glances around) that I’m safe. As a Lab/Beagle cross he’s adorable but swings from being very brainy (Lab side) to “Ooh Shiny” (Beagle side). Only ever had to use the spray once.
Had a problem with puppy biting. Pretending it hurt got nowhere so got some bitter apple spay from the vet (don’t use some of these hi tech “replant” sprays they don’t work) and an old long sleeve shirt.
Weapons have to be licensed. That’s why some games have guns that look almost (but not quite) like their real world versions (model numbers/names are also changed). There was a story a few years back that one weapon maker would not licensed the name and likeness of their weapons in case the guns where not showen in a…
Some decent lengh DLC that don’t look like it was ripped from the main story (Final Fantasy 15 I’m looking at you) might still be a good way to make money from a title.
Think they should use GLaDOS.
Would love to play this again but it’s almost imposable to get time cards where I live and the is no method of buying time via PSN (which is very silly). Loved the time I had in it until my supply of time cards run out. As I won’t use my credit card (PSN credit done via pre pay cards) looks like I won’t be retuning :(
Is this coming to Europe as well? Remember importing the US version of Chrono Trigger for my SNES. One of the most expensive games I ever purchased at £85. However got more than a 100 hours of game time with all the different endings so worked out at less than a pound per hour for the fun.
Actually quite disappointed that after the wait this is all that Blizzard are releasing. Now that Destiny and the Division have shown that there is demand for a FPS MMO but failing to deliver (maps to small in Destiny and no PVE in the Division) you would think that the makers of World of Warcraft would swoop in and…