
Still waiting on "Double Click To Save" for images that I had on Firefox.

@triplecheeseburger: Google recoups the cost of Android development with search. Every time you use the internet on an Android device, or use Gmail, they profit. It's just a way to get more internet into more people's hands.

@brass2themax: Typing. If it's within reaching distance, and all you're doing is typing notes or a story, it'd work just fine.

@Johann Schmidt: It's rare I laugh aloud at work reading comments. You just did it.

I use the iGoogle page. If not that, I'd just use my Google Reader page as home. But that works too I guess.

A lot of times AT&T will aggregate data usage into a lump to be updated to the billing system. It can happen at night. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing happen even if the phone is in Airplane mode and unable to transmit. Unless the phone's internal data transmission counter shows usage overnight, I

@zjgz: Thing is, it's not advertised. It's just... there. It glows, a handful of people ask us, and we go "we don't know anything about it" and they go "oh, ok" and conversation resumes. My DoS (Director of Sales) has no idea what it is.

@acidrain69: Going to try this on my 3GS and see if it makes a difference. It's livable, but the slowdown is irritating after how facst and smooth 3.X was.

@Aladdin: There was a discussion about this on LifeHacker, and it came down to pretty much a boilerplate provisioning allowing Springpad to reformat your information to display on different devices and not get sued by people who read T&C's looking for something to bank on. Some of the SpringPad devs were even in on

@EdgarJPublius: Any eye witness accounts are FAR more likely to incriminate the wrong suspect, be a very innacruate version of events biased by the person giving the testimony and the interviewer talking to the person.

@espinha: The Droid droid is a stock UI. The Droid X and others have MotoBlur. The MyTouch is a stock experience; no Froyo.

@comics0026: DNA evidence is one of the most accurate methods of establishing identity, far better than eye witnesses or alabis. I'd prefer courts instruct juries to disregard eye witness testimony in favor of DNA and other identification methods.

I'm fully in support of a DNA database being established with everyone we can get it from, with randomized ID numbers assigned and a court order required to release the name that matches the DNA. I can't see what harm this would cause, and it would be crucial in identification.

@Bubbsdaddy: They do not refresh automatically, unless they're using a certain select few processes. It's a tradeoff between true WinMo style multitasking and the battery efficient saved state.

@Sigismond0: Usage like this is why the unlimited is going away.

@Bubbsdaddy: Only certain processes run in the background. When you bring up the multitask dock, unless that app has a specfic multitask process. Otherwise, it's saved to memory and just switched back to quickly when you want.

@NonAnon2222: I hope you mean 2 miles per minute, because that's what it works out to (plus a bit). Remember, 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour.

If this fixes my WiFi problem, I will be happy. I didn't have my code memorized until I got that friggen thing.

@seanmwestcott: Yes, but then you'd have to be using a current WinMo phone. And that's just... no.

@LessthanZach: And Apple is sitting on 4.0.1 until the JB so they can break it. Spy/Spy.