Ansley Lancourt

Jim Belushi is criminally underrated..

So now we also know what the horse is… sort of.. the white of the eyes and dark within

I cant stand her as an actress so its a double whammy for me..

2 is one of the best albums of the last 20 years.. This album is perfectly servicable..

Is there any mote obnoxious a musical term than fucking Dad rock? Fucking lazy..

Exactly.. That's how I feel but no way was it intentional..

Woody Allen is Robert Redford compared to him.. at least Woody had style in the 70s..


Speaking of of St. Bernard it's BILL MAHER who put him on his show a million times…

Milo Yanalopolis is just a modern day Andrew Sullivan.. Just you wait, he'll be back for a more "sensitive" second act in which he pretends his days of being a right wing douchebag never happened…

Was that a Midnight Cowboy quote?

MILLIBERAL (just coined it)…. There's a difference..

yeah that's what he said..

so so true.



REALLY man… It's a veritable Confederacy of Douches here..

Do I have to coin a new phrase? Neoliberalism as in the economics term is obviously not what Im fucking saying.. Modern Day Liberal… MDL? So-called Liberal… Millenial Liberal? Milliberal? I got it.. MILLIBERAL.. Now in the words of the beloved Larry Wilmore "go fuck yourself"..

Still can't over where this little millennial child putz gets the ass to declare the inventor of the modern day TV political/humor irrelevant? Bill Maher made the phrase "Politically Incorrect" a household expression… that's his whole fucking oeurve… being against political correctness run amok is NOT tantamount to

Totally agree… as for the Daily Show… How come no one talks about how Jon Stewart leaving before the election campaign was a douchebag move? Especially considering how milliennials used him as their only news source.. He couldve made a difference.. but like always it was just so much nothing..