Nobody wants to see that mess.
Nobody wants to see that mess.
He couldn’t rule with a yardstick.
It also goes without saying that fine specimen couldn’t rule his way out of a wet paper bag.
“Some fuckin’ master race!”
officers have yet to tie Cowell to “any type of radical group or white supremacist group.”
officers have yet to tie Cowell to “
any type of radical group or white supremacist groupthe Republican Party.”
Two things.
We really don’t. It might be random. Apparently they found no history of any racially motivated crimes or connections when they checked up on this dude.
Managed to get captured alive? Doesn’t surprise me .
Everything in America is racially motivated. Everything in American history is racially motivated. If the races were reversed, the killer wouldn’t have been arrested “without incident”. Faux News and the rest of the mainstream White supremacist media would have been blaring this story 24/7 and White people’s president…
Let’s suppose this terrorist was a 19 year-old muslim American to came back to a school, blew himself up and took 17 lives. How long would it take goosestepping Repubs getting in front of the camera screaming why this means there should be tighter immigration control, blah blah. I’ll tell you: two minutes.
Because without racism (the system rigged to their advantage) white people would have to compete with other groups. They would not be the smartest (Asians) or best at sports, music, culture (blacks) or the most moral (Jews/Muslim etc) every group would just use them to get ligher skin versions of they’re…
This is their standard reply to ANY publicized shooting, right off the bat-no matter what information has been released. They must subscribe to Mein Dipshit’s mantra of “if you say it enough it becomes the truth”
It’s never you’re fault is it? Funny how a high school kid (who just murdered 17 of his former classmates and injured 15 more) was a registered voter,(it’s never your party either is it? Quelle Surprise.) and a communist, and a member of Antifa even th0ugh a white supremacist group just claimed him as a member.
Cops: “Nothing to see here, just a bunch of white dudes doing paramilitary drills. Oh, wait, there’s an unarmed brown guy walking down the street minding his own business. Get him!”
Why do racist white people always push the false narrative that they’re being oppressed or threatened? You live in a system that benefits you while shitting on minorities (redlining, wealth gap, etc), so how can you the the beneficiary of white supremacy and a victim all at the same time? Why is the only solution to…
Sigh. Ya know, next time this kinda shit happens, and its linked to some white supremcists, I’m afraid I wont even have the will to give a sigh. It’s like I’m losing the will to even give snark, much less outrage, cause nothing’s ever going to be done. These groups are just going to continue to normalized. If these…
One can only imagine what reaction the president would have posted if the shooter had been black, an immigrant, or a Muslim.