Death Angel, Oerkill, Testament, and Exodus

Hey how about shut the hell up with spoilers was so hot

I feel so sorry for this young boy. Having to grow up in Jersey.

It sounds like this decision is in accordance with the Boy Scout policy and statement


Do not touch or pet the Romo.

And, not for nothing, they’re also treating Romo like he’s trade bait whose value can only decrease with playing time.

Dak is young and needs reps. Romo is old and doesn’t. Not too complicated.

I’m not kidding when I say that that play may determine my fantasy league’s championship.

Mucho ouchie

Also missed were about 73 traveling calls in the game so... yeah...

It takes a real piece of shit decision and acumbag rationale to make me root for Lebron James and the FUCKING Cavs!

Didn’t the Thunder also blow a 3-1 lead?

Lolololololol Warriors

Holy moly!!!!!!

Fuck you , Billy Haisley. Just fuck you.

Funny how people say “happened 200 years ago! Get over it white people!!”

Trust me, that fact is not lost on me. I’m pretty shaky on all religious precepts including my own, but my current understanding is that all the Jews in Israel gotta die in the armageddon before the righteous Christians ascend to heaven. So if I’m right, it’s not like they’re really down with us.

Andrew Breitbart was Jewish, and Libertarian, according to him. And he’s been dead since 2012, or so. There is a disconnect between the conservative support of Israel as a state and anti semitism. Both stances can be held by the same far right person. The support of the state of Israel is popular among the evangelical

Yes, it’s part of the rationale behind the attack on women’s rights, including reproductive rights. They like to garb themselves in the “protect our women” but ...they want breeders. Disenfranchised women can be made into breeders.