
Omg! The author of this needs a award! A Emmy! A golden globe! A Pulitzer prize! A sticker! A foodie! A gold star! A star on Hollywood! A wizzow badge! A key to the all the states! Even a pardon for a future crime if one is ever committed! Since they are handled out like candy these days! (Poor tiger king! Lol! Jk)

Mike Pence Is Homeless

Pastor Crockett: I would like to welcome everyone to Lovejoy’s Church of Spirits and Blessings, which, as you all

So the passengers should be belted in, and Erika is walking her dumb ass up taking photos and demanding to talk to the captain? Okay.

No, they do not have “unquestioned access” to the entire plane.

So did anyone at any point thought to ask her if she was okay? If she was acting off in DEN then how did none of the ground or flight crews notice? If she got progressively worse as the flight went on then what happened to cause it? And how the fuck did AirBecky got by the stewardess to get all the way to the pilot

The thing is, it’s North Dakota. If we’d had a Stalin, that’s where all of the grimmest gulags would’ve gone. It’s a horrible, soul-crushing place, and AFAIK, the real indictment on this lady is not that she she was drunk on the job—she’s only human—but that she fucked up and chose an inferior drug like alcohol when a

Knowledge Dropped!

I thought it was illegal to use a cellphone to call or tweet while in flight. Unless it was a wifi flight. Which I doubt happened on a little regional carrier. Somehow I don’t see a fine in the snitch’s future.

In the unlikely event that you’re too old, too white, or, just a nerdy shut-in, the meaning in the headline “going HAM” can be found here. (‘Hard as a motherfucker’ (that is, apparently this flight attendant was exhibiting a notably high Mohs scale; likely somewhere between Quartz and Topaz))

Oh and fuck Erika. The stewardess didn’t endanger lives and you weren’t terrified. Yeah, you had a bad experience, and you absolutely deserve to have AA refund you for the flight. But your life wasn’t in any kind of danger.

If you’re gonna go H.A.M., you gotta go out in style, like this guy:

It was real, shit hit the fan for the producers since the outcome of it wasn’t planned. As far fights went in the show, Junior was never supposed to be fired, since their contract with Velocity specified that both parties had to be in for the show to be aired. When Senior fired junior it created a breach of contract

Had I been the First Responder, I would have plugged that fucker in and hit “Potato.”