Derek Smalls' Courgette

This has to be the first H Pattern dash mounted shift lever I’ve ever seen. I think you should pick it up just so we can see more pictures of it. It would complement the Pao nicely.

My neighbor just totaled her Prius via a run-in with a cement mixer. She and the batteries are unhurt. Those batteries plus this anomaly of transport would make an excellent project for what is going to be a boring, long and lonely winter.

Not too long ago I bought a General Electric E-20 tractor, a weird Crap Era electric garden tractor that is, for its origin, surprisingly good. It looks a little weird, all the attachments you can put on it need to be 36v DC, and parts are uncommon. And even so, it’s a better purchase than this car would be.


The Audacity of Nope.

You forgot the Citicar from that same era. It actually sold quite well.

You probably maxed out your expense account on the chunli, but you should still buy this.

The contrast in style matched the background of the debaters.

It’s not about looking mean, it’s about looking rugged. It’s a little dumb but people’s perception is very important. If they want a truck it’s because they want to do work or adventure things. Things that require durability. So they want their vehicle to look like it’s capable of those things. (even if they’re not

I swear, that K-car has all the aesthetics of a refrigerator laid on its back. Then the punished stylist stuck wheels on each corner and said, “OK, we’re done.”

OK, I’m starting a GoFundMe; let’s make this happen, people!

I have a friend who is an archeologist. Inspired by Indiana Jones, today, she does field work. She always reminds me that a piece of prehistoric turd is just as valuable as any ancient gold coins.

Certainly, if you were to eat a few of those burritos, it would swing over to the worst side again. 

The K-car has historical significance.

This is the 2001 Chrysler Sebring convertible of it’s time. So if you vote NP for this it’s like voting NP for a Sebring 15 years from now. :P

I know nothing about the Napiers but enjoy their energy more and feel much more comfortable watching their show feeling (hopefully not incorrectly) that they aren’t the sort of people who would feel the need to pray for me to learn my path back to being straight/cis or worse. I just can’t with the Gaines. 

The Magnolia Cult in Waco is legit scary. This show ‘works’ for a lot of people because it’s the classic sitcom formula played out in a reality television format—the oafish husband with the kind heart with the shrill and neurotic wife.

Not Joanna Gaines thinking their appeal was because her husband was a maverick.

Ma’am yall are a White Man/Ethnically Ambiguous Woman couple. That’s your appeal. It’s such a tired trope that blogs have been making fun of it for like 10 years. HGTV isn’t exactly known for making us step outside our comfort zone.

I mean, they’re definitely exaggerating their dynamic for the cameras, but I don’t find them as creepy as others do. That said, Ben and Erin Napier are unquestionably better, more authentic, and more progressive than the Gaineses. I love Home Town despite having left the South many years ago vowing to never ever move

Meh, I’d rather follow David Koresh than some hollow-eyed Christian landlords. Those property brothers, though, I wish their marriage the utmost joy - their sexual chemistry is off the charts!