Derek Smalls' Courgette

Basically ZERO information and few photos = automatic NO DICE.

I think we can assume Trump is on a ventilator by now.

  • Remember how everyone spent the first half of the decade celebrating Betty White because we all thought she was gonna die? And then she didn’t, and now no one cares? Just thinking about this.

He’s been ‘fever free and off oxygen for 24 hours’?


Drug user, insomniac, stress level to the max due to political and legal desperation, can't hold a water cup so I assume shit hydration. Oh it's looking bad.

The difference between Trump and most of the others on this list is how many high-risk categories he falls into: age, BMI, and--as we now know from his tax returns--low income.

The New York Times reports that Trump is experiencing mild symptoms 

Also, the President of Notre Dame, who was -inexplicably to me- at the WH SCOTUS event last weekend.

Imagine if the religious fundamentalist hackjob of a Judge they try to ram into the court before leaving is the Typhoid Mary of the entire operation. 

Thoughts and prayers! 

Oh thank goodness for that. 

Some people have no taste.

Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.

I’d prefer she just live the rest of her days in some slum tbh 

“Did you catch the last couple episodes of the season? The writers killed off the whole cast! I heard it had to do with the toxic behavior and self destructive tendencies of the main star...”

I have the same sentiment but with all kinds of malice.

So far this TV show has sucked but maybe the season finale will have had made it worth watching after all.

I mean this with no malice in my heart, but fuck this orange piece of shit, I hope he becomes a statistic.