Derek Smalls' Courgette

The outcry from readers here is not about relinquishing anybody’s right to express beliefs, nor is it intellectually honest to imply this post is even about beliefs. This post isn’t saying anything substantive about the content of the debate, or the policy positions of any candidate, fringe or mainstream. It is a sarc

But it was 1 of only 35,000 made that year with a white exterior and a grey interior!

Just read something that said Melania was the only one who kept her on the entire time. I’m guessing to protect Barron - who I’m assuming wasn’t present.???

15k No Tire Kickers, I know what I got

I strongly disagree with the statement that everyone reading this site is already voting for Biden. Based on voter turn out from all major past elections this century, it’s more likely that most people reading this site swing left, but DON’T VOTE. The majority of eligible voters do not vote in the US. So anyone that

A little of column A, A little of Column B.

It’s the South Park position. Trying to remain neutral so you can still be cool, which also means having to make up crap or downplaying stuff so both sides look equal. 

This. I love Sanders and Warren, but it quickly became obvious that their supporters weren’t showing up at the polls like Biden’s supporters were. I voted for Biden in the Michigan primary because I knew Sanders was done. I wanted the winning candidate to go into the election with the most momentum he possibly could.

Right. If we were in the before times, Biden’s showing would be pretty meh. Last night, I thought he came off as pretty close to how a lot of us feel. Just goddamn exhausted with the insanity. While he didn’t answer (or get to answer) all the questions, how he managed to get anything out was an accomplishment. How

I think about Al Gore’s lockbox a lot. We’re 20 years out and Congress has done fucking nothing!

My takeaway is to not click on any posts by Molly, in the future. I’m in the greys, so won't be missed,  but I'll know!

I sure do. And I remember the “Al Gore and GW Bush are basically the same person.”

Honestly I am just so fucking angry at posts like this. At Biden’s age I hope to be curled up by a fire, reading a book and drinking wine, while my grandkids play close by. This man is stepping up to try to save our country, after unimaginable grief, at what is likely the end of his life. I didn’t vote for him in any

Remember in 2016, when some kinja bloggers said it was cool for people to not vote if they weren’t thrilled by the candidates?

Seriously! What kind of garbage take was this? What the everloving fuck Jezebel? 

Why is your instinct still to “both sides” this? Your preferred guy lost two primaries despite promising revolutions that never came, mostly because his supporters never showed up in the numbers needed. The progressive faction simply does not have the numbers. Go do the ground of increasing your numbers, increasing

A pale and rather exhausted looking Democratic nominee, pushed through the primary as the party’s favored choice mostly due to the optics of his former post”

WHAT is this bullshit? One of those “withered husks” is our only barrier to a straight-up fascist country that accelerates climate change and puts many of our neighbors and friends at risk of....almost anything. There is no equivalency here. Shitposting like this is harmful. 

Unmolested early Expeditions are plentiful and cheap. The “cage” and top had a cost, but don’t add value.

This whole influencer concept and reality TV people becoming “famous” will be the downfall of modern civilization.  Such trash.  Ugh.  Makes me feel all old and “get off my lawn-y”.