Derek Smalls' Courgette

Oh, but they do. This aircraft has relatively low time and is considered “high performance complex”, plus the Porsche engine is comparably fuel efficient. You’d have a hard time finding a Cessna 172 of the same vintage with similar time for a lot less, and you’d be cruising a full 60kts slower while burning the same

I know very little about secondhand general aviation aircraft, but this piqued my interest, so I gave it some thought.

This actually seems about par for the course for an ‘88 Mooney, maybe even a little under since it hasn’t had any avionics upgrades. 

As an experienced pilot, I much prefer analog gauges to a glass cockpit.

Sounds like a perfect candidate for an LS swap. 

“He died flying his Porsche” is a fantastic conversation starter; NP for immortality.

Tell me more about this neon suit warehouse.

I wasn’t aware you can make your wife VP.

Yeah, I’m calling shenanigans on the odometer unless the seller has some pretty good evidence the mileage is original. The massive crack in the driver’s seat nylon says 115K is more likely.

Ive always had a soft spot for these cars - and a Type R is the pinnacle. Yeah, it’s a 16 year old Jag. But I think it looks good, and the price seems fair for all those horses and the condition they appear to be in.

Goodness, so many people concerned with appearance over performance. Not a very Jalop view of matters. 390 horse rear-drive luxury sedan. In an interesting color. 6500 bucks. Come on. That’s nice price all day. 

On most days, there’s no way I’d consider one of these. It is an uninspired design that looks more Taurus-y with each passing year. I think there are enough binned parts on he car to keep some costs down, I suspect it’ll require more trips to the parts counter than most.

Reluctant NP. Not for me, but for someone.

The console screen does look like it is an iPad that was glued to the dash seconds before the shoot.

Speak for yourself, all I’ve ever wanted was a super pointy room to look at screens in. What could be safer?

See, BMW? This is a 4-door coupe!

Where I live there is a a very thorough inspection all cars have to pass on their third year, then on the fifth and then every year... In paper its as difficult to pass as a german TUV, but in practice there are easy ways to bribe your way...

I’m a cheap bastard, was probably just going to get a standard freezer on top model (unless I come across a great deal on a used one,) kinda funny that putting the freezer on the bottom makes it cost $500 more.  But I have a side by side where I live now, don’t like it much at all.

These days I am very much preferring “generic” as everyone else goes to some crazy origami shit that looks just terrible to my eyes.  If it’s somewhat cohesive and looks decent, it’s a standout in today’s design norms