I hadn’t looked at their financing rates, but that’s pretty terrible.
I hadn’t looked at their financing rates, but that’s pretty terrible.
Oh, I’m with you 100%. *If* they have a car I want, I’d greatly prefer using one of the online dealers than put up with the flaky sellers on CL or shady dealers. I just generally don’t see too many cars pop up that I’m interested in.
Isn’t the big difference that Carvana isn’t trying (at the current moment, at least) to compete with dealers on new sales? I’m no expert on dealerships, but I’d guess most dealers generally are happy to have the “trade in / getting rid of the trade in” part of the sales process outsourced to someone else.
You explained it perfectly. And if you have kids in the car seat/booster age, the middle seat in your second row is likely unusable (at least it is in our car). Not unusable as in “its uncomfortable,” but unusable as in “an adult body cannot sit down the the seat due to large plastic structures on either side.”
Yes, perhaps this indicates that I lack a sense of fun and adventure or something, but those things look like absolute ass to me.
Yeah, I love flying. I love (most) airports. I love being on a plane. Even though planes don’t “slow down”, you’re flying high enough that you have plenty of time to enjoy major landmarks as you pass over.
A lot of people here in the comments seem to hate it, but I think it looks fantastic.
+1 for “nope dude”. I like it.
To me, it’s one of those signs that the prior owner was a blazing idiot, and I don’t want to buy their lack of care. It may be an inaccurate stereotype, but I just can’t believe that someone who is dumb enough to put a fart can and blue headlights on a car drove it with care and kept up with the maintenance.
Great point regarding the changes in agriculture over the past 5-6 decades. My mom grew up on a farm in the rural US in that era.
I’m contractually obligated to star and participate in all Spinal Tap threads.
Throughout the art and science era, I’ve never been able to get behind Cadillac’s look. I like an underdog brand not everyone has, I like the specs, and having grown up in American economy cars of the 80s, a Cadillac is plenty nice for me, even if it trails the Germans in interior appointments. But every time I’d look…
Yeah, Mercedes’ parts support for ancient models is pretty amazing.
Yup, the contigo is an order of magnitude better than any other travel mug out there.
Completely agree on your “stock market” comment - the number of random BaT auctions I click on that feature a vehicle previously sold on BaT in the last two years is ridiculous.
Nice! I agree about the presence - they are unique enough that they stand out in a dignified way. (Whereas the S class is so ubiquitous that they just look a bit generic to me.)
How have you liked the G90?
Yeah, everything I’ve heard about Genesis has just turned me off. The fact that they have so few retail locations, they apparently don’t handle special orders well, etc.
Completely agree. If people had good lane discipline, emits people could drive the speed they want without having to cut back and forth between lanes. It’s the lane changes that are the real problem, not the speed.