
No Jersey or John Hughes involved. They lived in DC which had a Chinatown, family, and lots of Chinese people to move to Florida where there are few Asians and own a random restaurant. The parents went in for physical discipline and other painful punishments, which the surrounding communities it didn'the approve of

In the ears episode, Lestrade asks why the roosters were still around. Joan said the petting zoo couldn't take them for another week.

Given his age, I wouldn't think he'd have been diagnosed as a child? I can't imagine anyone having the nerve to suggest to him that he has it. It might be interesting, but he's such a large part of the show that it'd be hard to avoid a "very special episode" vibe.

I was studying her perfectly highlighted hair and was wondering if Bundsch had this sicko hairdressing thing going on.

I think it's because they have smart chicks on the show now, so Penny's getting shafted.

I didn't know that "swordfighting" was slang, although I thought the visual of the belts was pretty awesome.

But Amy's need for affection helps them try to progress the Sheldon character forward and provides a built-in conflict. I can see how the jokes can wear thin, but Bialik has killer delivery.

My theory is that before, they had to make her a bit more balanced because she was the only chick on the show except for the occasional Sara Gilbert appearance. To make her superdumb would be boring and a bit misogynistic.

Did anyone notice that they were trying to get Philip to nap in the same file cabinet drawer that she used to keep her cat in?