

Molly Ivins said of Camille Paglia everything which needs to be said.

But let’s just keep going along with the lie that both sides are basically the same, because Progressives definitely rally around mock mass shooting videos of their political opponents, right? Er, wait, maybe not. This is some fucked up shit, and it’s not cool.

Two words: Cheap. Grace.

Why limit it to veterans? There are plenty of non-veteran homeless that need help, too.

It used to be Lincolnwaswrong. They shortened it at Ellis island.

And conservatives are all about bringing people together ... in camps.

As always, shut the fuck up Tomato.

Unless the guards fall asleep.

Anyone who equates deaths caused by a mode of transportation, that has many benefits and is vital to modern society, to a tool that serves no purpose other than to kill as many people as quickly as possible, is stupid to the point where they are a threat to society. They should be humanely put down as soon as possible

Why do you hate Jesus?

It’s kind of amazing, if I still had the capacity to be amazed by this, how much the mainstream press has dropped the ball on this story.

Do You Even Lift Sanctions Bro??”

I mean, hiring a guy accused of serious financial crimes to the Trump Campaign is pretty directly on-brand.

Donald Trump was elected president, it is a nation of idiots.

“I bring my kids up to respect the office of the presidency and the president,” Todd told NBC’s Washington, D.C. affiliate on Sunday. “I don’t allow them to say anything negative, ever, about the president.”

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!

Then you misunderstand, dude. The recidivism rate is astronomically high. Do some reading.

But really, how is any non-consensual physical sex act not inherently violent when it literally is based on physical action and not just words? How does that make sense in any world that does not favor the unilateral sexually-related actions of men? You can get jail time for stealing a car but not for sexually abuse?

White, male, mediocre and cruel, in a country that seems to laud and highly reward those qualities. No idea where they get their senses of entitlement.