Another FBI Investigation

Whenever I meet someone I don’t like I tell them how much I loved living in Boston.

What happened to you that now you seek validation as some savior to people that I promise don’t want your help? Go out and actually do something, your manufactured outrage isn’t changing the world.  

Nah dude, plenty of Natives like the term Indian and most don’t see it as a slur. Your experience, if you even have any, isn’t representative of an entire group. Take a seat, you can even do it Indian style.


I’m only saying that in an open election the only national politician who dared enter the contest was an old socialist Jew. Was that because Hillary was so good that she might beat a literal bag of shit in the general?

It’s already a big deal (unless you’re delusional), whether it warrants indictment is the only question.

Also “every Dem other than Bernie  that stepped aside and made Hillary the ordained candidate.”

Yes, should have happened much earlier, before absentee votes, early voting, etc.