OK, so who actually is the head of the Muslim peace movement if such a group even exists?
OK, so who actually is the head of the Muslim peace movement if such a group even exists?
"Do you know how hard it is to even catch a monkey?? Much less fuck it."
Wow, I hope that hot tub was drained of all skank water, sterilized and destroyed.
Nice stack of ones, douche.
Wrestling on skates.
That Bill Murray gets around.
How is it exploitation for an adult to let someone jerk off on their face?
Hey, come over and let me jerk off on your face.
"...then without warning sneaking up behind them and suddenly jabbing your erect penis in their face from the side?"
I read a story by, I think, the jizz in the face girl who said she met him at a bar and agreed to go to his place alone for a shoot.
No dummy, I am saying that models who allow photographers to jerk off on their face are either brainless or extremely career oriented.
I mean that scumbags and scumbag behavior are fairly well known in our society. I am saying that most people with a brain know scumbaggery when they see it and most are smart enough to leave.
I agree, people should not act like scumbags.
Sorry, these girls arent mentally challenged are they? Anyone over the age of 12 should know that isnt what is supposed to happen at work.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to sit there and let a weirdo stranger jerk off on your face? I assume they still cashed their checks.
The roots of patriarchy come from all religion.
Doesnt she get naked in Red Dragon?
"God is totally a sport. It's a blood sport"
They have been trained since birth to believe anything foreign people with dark skin do is good.