Another damn kinja account

Turning 42 shortly and I have long, glamourpuss locks halfway to my waist that are in better shape than when I was 21 (better conditioner, less heat styling). My hair is the bomb, and random women frequently comment on how gorgeous it is. I intend to be cremated with as much hair as I can still grow from my head.

I did just the opposite. My hair, when long, is wild and unmanagable and sticks out in all directions. I kept it short and tame till I turned 40, when I decided — "WHOOPIE!!" I feel wild and untamed!!! So I grew my hair out and now have this gloriously messy enormous hair all over the place. I had to grow into my

I just turned 50 and sport the longest hair I've ever had in my life. My Mom, who just turned 82, loves my hair and thinks I should wear it long until I'm dead. She's even grown hers out a little just because she sees it as attractive. Granted, she has the most spectacular silver and white hair so I think she likes to

I remember many years ago that Miss Manners received a letter from such a person, decrying the excessive length of hair worn by women in our current world. Miss Manners responded that manners had nothing to do with hair, as long as that hair did not interfere with the wearer's etiquette, nor fall into wearer's, or

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I fucking ADORE Anna Kendrick.

My mom too...she made it seem like that was just what you do at that age.

Long hair = sexy and feminine so therefore inappropriate once your fertility wanes and you should devote yourself to tatting doilies and planning your own funeral? And also how few women colored their hair in earlier times, maybe having so much gray hair was seen as particularly confrontational.

Seems like it's more of a generational thing. My parents are Californians (by way of New York), and they have similar beliefs to your parents. I have long hair, and I'm 48. I think it's a case-by-case. I see a few too many women my age here in Southern California with platinum extensions nearly to their waists. It's

I don't know, but I can talk about the "old lady haircut" and everyone knows exactly what I'm talking about. No matter age or where they grew up in the US.

oh God this is my mother, always bitching about X celeb on tv daring to have long hair. She acts like she's a petulant ten year old most of the time so I don't really think she gets to have an opinion on age appropriateness!

In the checkout line? I get them in the mail.

Let's not give him a cookie for coming around to basic human decency.

I'm skeptical the issue ever really mattered to him in the first place. I always suspect in these cases that opposing abortion was politically expedient at the time and now some focus group determined that it isn't anymore.

It took him 41 years to start listening to women.

1. It spares their feelings and 2. it hopefully doesn't lead to a violent freakout like a straight-up rejection might. Both of these things are pretty obvious, not sure why you're confused.

If you honestly have to ask, you probably won't acknowledge the answer but here it goes.

THIS. Get the fuck over and move the fuck on. No one wants to hear about how bitter you still are all these years later, even if you pretend to be over it (you're not, you wouldn't feel compelled to write a letter if you were). Trust me, not even your closest friends want to hear that story again. And guess what?

How about just moving the fuck along? Unless someone maimed you, killed you or ruined your credit, just forget about it.

As a person who got into a weird twitter fight with this lady over her watching 12 years a slave and it causing her to think about how mean people were being to Macklemore, I can attest that she is the goddamn worst.

Fuck. She's such a pretentious tool.