Another damn kinja account

Yeah, I don't think so. If Scalia won't recuse himself from abortion cases because of what his wife does, then there's no chance Kagan and Ginsburg are going to do the same.

No, they get applauded and reelected for stating, "I must make decisions for other people on a topic I will never personally experience my personal beliefs."

Okay, that's where I was hoping you were headed, but I wasn't sure. And with that understood: agreed.


Alright, which obscure audience is this aiming for...

Healthy weight loss is far too slow for a tv show.

re. communicating with a narcissist... they're never conversations coz they're always contests..everybody gets to prove how wonderful he is. count them lucky stars

I'm glad you used the word narcissist. I think the mother in this story is actually the narcissist. I know these communication cycles from experience and whatever the problem, it's never the narcissist's fault. My narcissist will play magic tape recorder with me and insist I said things I didn't, or he never said

Would that be the one who is, by sheer coincidence, surrounded by nothing but people so narcissistic that they put their own wishes and needs ahead of catering to her whims?

I read all of that and now I think you have too much free time. You might wanna use it to pry that enormous stick out of your ass.

If the anti-abortion nutcases in this country have their way, this will be us before long. God damn these fucking zealots. Why aren't the lives of women considered more valuable than a cluster of cells?

Dear pedant pedagogue, Wha, what???

I had a friend like this for several years. Cut her out of my life two years ago and it was the best decision I've ever made.

"When something, or more specifically,someone, no longer supports the view you have of yourself "

I have some experience dealing with someone (not a parent) who is so willfully disconnected from reality that they just don't understaaaaaand why you're upseetttttt what did they do wronnnnng can't we talk about it? And fine, you summon your backbone and your patience and you explain it clearly and simply. And your

My mother has a lot of mental health issues (bipolar depression and borderline personality disorder) and she doesn't process guilt at all well. So she denies things so aggressively and persistently that you start to wonder if they ever really happened. I am (mostly) estranged from her because she was emotionally

It was basically either a hanger or auditioning for Dancing With The Stairs, wasn't it?

Fuck everyone's easy forgetfulness. There are people still alive who remember what pre-Roe abortion was like. We need to hear from those people and we need to hear from them right now, and loudly.

Constant vigilance. Always have a pair of unappealing sweatpants nearby to throw over your whore-slacks. It's the only way.

My favorite Mushi-shi story is about ama. Incidentally, if anyone is looking for woman-authored manga, Yuki Urushibara's Mushi-shi is SO GOOD. SOOO GOOOOD.

(Not that anyone will see this since I'm buried in the greys! )