Which makes it the perfect word to apply to a Kardashian (Yeah yeah it's Jenner but you know what I mean).
Which makes it the perfect word to apply to a Kardashian (Yeah yeah it's Jenner but you know what I mean).
OMG. I desperately want to own that outfit in ALL available colors.
Is it wrong that I really, really want the green outfit?
The one in the middle is thinking, what the hell are we doing here, and OMFG, look what we're wearing. Strangles herself with swing.
I agree. I just think people believe that private schools function differently. :)
I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE. Although I think I won't be making any Friends binge resolutions. I'm pretty sure it's not my thing.
Also a strong contender for skeeviest 'stache. Those poor girls!
I use Paula's Choice 2% BHA liquid daily and it is incredible and lasts a million years.
Dr. Ruth doesn't give a fuck!
I agree with Donald Trump and Zach Braff so now I'm gonna have to kill myself. Goodbye, cruel world. Pray for my soul.
Does anyone remember the exact day that The Rock became awesome? Was it always? Did the rest of us not get the memo? I just want to hangout with him and Vin Diesel all day. Maybe they could toss me back and forth like a baseball. That's not a euphemism, just a real possibility.
I know my kid hasn't had any vaccines since the kindergarten ones. The letter says the booster given at age 7 is acceptable.
It's a public school and you are correct. I'm going to get her the booster because I'm not an asshole parent who will put others at risk for my special snowflake. ;) I'm sure there will be parents that will fight this though.
JUST GET VACCINATED FFS! So over hearing about shit like this. Whenever I am forced to pass through Beverly Hills I'm always worried I'm going to come out with Measles, bc a huge number of those rich dillholes have decided not to vaccinate. That's right, you're more likely to get Whooping Cough in Bel-Air than Watts. …
When we still lived in the credulous idiot capital of Oregon, my 2 year old and I both contracted pertussis in March, despite vaccinations. The worst part has been over for a while, but any time we catch a cold it turns intp a horrible barking cough that lasts for weeks.
Officials are attributing the epidemic not to low inoculation rates, but to the questionable effectiveness of the pertussis vaccine
To conclude, we're not not pinning this on Jenny McCarthy.
It should be a crime to not vaccinate your children. By refusing such a simple and proven procedure, you are willfully endangering the lives of thousands. Don't give me that "personal choice" crap, either. It should be my personal choice to live in a society which isn't purposefully exposed to virulent diseases that…
"blerp blerp you just haven't had good fruitcake blerp blerp i will come to your house and make you eat my fruitcake which is good fruitcake and then i will not leave/untie you from the chair until you admit that it is good fruitcake blerp blerp"