I dated a guy that played the shopping cart in a pretentious and misogynistic experimental noise band. A shopping cart.
I dated a guy that played the shopping cart in a pretentious and misogynistic experimental noise band. A shopping cart.
Yeah, I dated one of those :/
Yes. And please, stop with the "but how will he ever get a job if he's tech-illiterate" blaaargh. A, it's all designed for idiots anyhow, and B, totally fine to turn it on after the peers have grown up some.
Three words. "Finnish Death Metal" Smh- such a low point (and by point I mean series of consecutive low months)...
I spent an evening listening to Yellowcard and nodding enthusiastically. He was gorgeous and dumb as a post.
On the other side of things, pretending not to like unchallenging, mainstream earworm pop, because I know he'd judge me.
My ex was one of those pretentious people who claimed to listen to only underground hip hop and declared that anything mainstream was not "real" hip hop (I find that mindset to be incredibly annoying). I didn't care for many of the artists that he liked — I simply didn't enjoy it or think they were any good. I went to…
yea I love how the boyfriend gets to testify against his girlfriend, but doesn't have to plead his case for getting her pregnant. They've actually, legally excused the boys from any actual responsibility for the girl's situation. He gets all the power that she should have, with no accountability, and she's accountable…
First rule of growing older: Make everything sound better than it was. In the revised version (which you will and MUST start to believe was the real version of events), you dated a minor league up and coming rock star, swanned about as his muse, and ditched him once he got a debilitating heroin habit.
Dated a guy in a shitty folk pop, Jack Johnson-esque band for TWO YEARS. He had a poster of Paul Simon above his bed.
Dated a dude in a shitty metal band for almost a year. *sigh* So many concerts.
I would advocate for flooding UNM with emails decrying the idiocy of shutting this down
Ya know, these students are are old enough to join the army and shoot brown people in the face, but sexy times? That's just crazy talk.
They can't help themselves but they are the only ones with abilities and the capacity to rule over women. It's baffling. Are they helpless at the mercy of their hormones or superior beings? What are they?
Haha. Well done. Freedom and trust must be earned! Thank you for being a good parent.
Ovulation without copulation is murder! MURDER!
Having just experienced a miscarriage of a very-much wanted pregnancy and then read about this, I would actually wish miscarriage for these poor teens. The pain and difficulty of that seems far preferable to having to GO ON TRIAL for pregnancy with the very real possibility of losing (though this structure doesn't…
Yeah, my ex and I met on the internet, too, and there was always that weird pause from whoever asked us how we met. We just stated simply "we met on the internet" and left it at that, usually changing the subject after. It got better in the 4 years we saw each other because internet dating became more commonplace…
I would journey to NYC just for that!