Another damn kinja account

I paid a lot of money to get the little lady waxed today (for the first time in like, a year) so if he had a particular less painful finesse and did it for free, maybe I was too quick to judge. ESPECIALLY if I had my own island on which to chill afterwards with a cocktail...

Mine usually involved things like men who were immigrants but did not say from where saying things like "You are so beautiful lady! if you are to come for me and be dating, i will make you so many fancy things!" I wish I could say I was making that up and being an asshole, but that is a direct quote there. One

I am getting such a kick out of this one!

Noooo. Mint and olive oil? He is definitely planning to kill and eat you.

So detailed and eloquent. I'm torn. It seems like he's put a lot of thought into your pleasure maybe... or something... I have no idea.

You win. Everything in my okcupid archive is at least three years old, since I am now taken, but I had some doozies I was about to go fish out until I saw this and realized that things have changed for the somehow even weirder.

Mint & Olive Oil? I admit I have an over active imagination & watch a lot of Hannibal, but my first thought was "he's going to make sausage casing out of their intestines."

any updates on those people are greatly appreciated!

I love that movie so damn much. And when I try to explain the plot to people it never comes out right and they just look at me like I've lost my damn head.

I love absolutely everything "modern day" Barbra Streisand wore in On A Clear Day You Can See Forever. It's frustrating because hardly anyone has heard of this movie and there aren't many good pictures of the clothes, but she wore so many adorable 60's A-line dress and coordinating coat sets.

Omigawd, yes, I already made that mistake the other day.... that comments section is a roll-call of evolutionary mistakes! Imbeciles On Parade.

I am overcome with schadenfreude in regards to Leann Rimes. We're about the same age, and when she first came out, I was big into country music like the rest of my family (Garth Brooks and all that). But I couldn't stand her songs, hated her style of singing, everything. But my parents were all "You're just jealous

Yes, can we please stop trying to make her happen? I do not understand why we give a shit about her. Cool, John Legend wrote a song about her, and then what?

Care to share? We all love lentils.

I have his How to Cook Everything app. Totally worth $5! Recommend!

Thanks. I read Nancy's books which piqued my interest but I couldn't tell you which biography I tried, I think I downloaded a couple of sample chapters and deleted them when they were deathly dull. I'll be sure to look out your recommendations though because I really did want to know more about them, I just have too


She wrote a cookbook (a "cookery book"). Here's a review:

With their diamond rings. That's the best bit.