Another damn kinja account

Carved in the glass by their diamond rings, in fact.

I totally was rude to my bf when he hit on because I thought he was a hot loser who hangs out at the gym all day with nothing else to talk about. I was sooo wrong and I'm glad I went out with out him and learned how awesome he is.

I dedicated a large part of today to revisiting one of my favorite books. Damn thing still had me in tears.

That looks lovely! My 32Fs are devastated to find that they don't do online sales and who knows when I'll be in SoCal again 😢

I will buy a plane ticket RIGHT NOW. She is clearly an angel sent to guide me to blessed comfort, and no distance is too far to travel.

I love Prince so much. When I was young (late 80's early 90's) I thought he was a budget version of Michael Jackson. Now that I am older, the error of my ways is so apparent. The turning point was seeing a video of Prince perform Purple Rain live and it blew my mind how amazing it was.

And Stephen Fry. Never forget about Stephen Fry.

She's a fine actress, but I cannot, will not ever get over her SO, SO WEIRD AND HORRIBLE Woody Allen tribute at the last Golden Globes.

Stranger with My Face was the first Duncan I ever read (I was about thirteen), and while I still have some complaints, it holds a very dear place in my heart.

I never read Lois Duncan as a teenager (I think her books were slightly passe by then), but I've been reading a few recently since they're now available as ebooks. I guess the publisher decided to make them seem more "modern" by editing them slightly. Even though the books are obviously retro, as evidenced by people's…

Heh, I JUST posted about DADH a second ago, that one is fucking dope. Lois Duncan rules. I just wikipediaed her and found out 1) there are lots of books of hers I have not read that I need to track down and 2) This is her in the 1940s!!!

Pilot's kid here, too. Man those were the days - those old tickets were the best. But we only dressed up because the airline's policy was for non-revs to conform to a specific dress code, because we represented the airline somehow (?) and because we could be seated anywhere on the plane. Whenever we traveled anywhere…

I've found a negative correlation between wages and effort, for sure. Lowest wage meant I was probably running around till my feet ached, being treated like shit by customers, covered in food stink, and other less than enjoyable employment situations. My higher paying jobs have involved significant "down time" where…

Oh girl, we are. We are. *hugs*

I gotta say, I know Taylor Swift can be too earnest and sugary sweet and a little immature, but I really, really like this post from her. She doesn't pretend like pain and bullying go away, she doesn't say one day the bullies will be suddenly ugly and poor and those who are bullied will be beautiful and rich. She's…

I love you too! Let's hear a couple of those jokes! And hopefully we can have each other's backs if someone gets offended and we have to go through the inevitable spiel about, "ACTUALLY, it's MORE insulting to walk on eggshells around everyone with special needs."

I am entirely jealous. :)

I once had an ex that was surprised to hear I found it so attractive. It wasn't until I pointed out how much he enjoyed seeing me wear a dress now and again and an occasional heel (rare. SO rare as I'm already 6'0 AND clumsy. Not a good combination) that he got it. I will double take the shit out of a nice suit on the…