
Call me cynical but I was relieved that it was just a polite conversation to stop it. Figured from the pic and poor use of the word “hijack” that it was a black man doing something security didn’t like and we know how that tends to go (tackling, beating, shooting, etc.).

Thank god, now all I’ll need is my PC and watchever nintendo console that is out.

It’s got two hours of battery life. Alienware reinvented the Sega Genesis Nomad for a new generation.

Throw in the CEOs and board members of military contractors and I am game.

The SNES actually had the better CPU. The Genesis had the mainstream CPU that was well used in the industry at the time. So, much easier to program for. The SNES basically went exotic like The Cell on PS3 did. It was actually a very powerful CPU with far more potential.

America/Russia/France/UK has been assassinating people they don’t like for a very long time. So nothing new here.

“What? America did it. Why can’t we?”

Came here to say this.

If that doesn’t explain it to you...

Ghosn in 60 seconds!

GGreat summary. "He paid a $14M fine and was deported. The end. "

I’m no Nissan car fan— I always thought Infiniti aspired to be Lexus, but only managed to be a bad Buick.

The Japanese judicial system is so tilted (99% conviction rates) that it’s hard to see how he’d get a fair trial, especially since the evidence points toward a contrived set of charges drummed up by MITI to protect Nissan from falling into French government control. This was a set-up, pure and simple.

For real I will avoid the place until most of the resolutioners become too lazy to stick to their commitment.  

1) Gym is crowded
2) Read article about how to avoid gym crowds
3) Follow its advice
4) Lots of other people read article, follow its advice
5) Gym is still crowded.

Wait another 28 days...

Wait wait wait, Deadspin was a VG site? I always thought Deadspin was about sports, Lifehacker about PC/Software themes, and Fleshbot about porn...