
But there is nothing as good as BotW on the PC.

I ploughed many hours in BotW. The Switch died on me and had to be sent in to get replaced. My save was lost. Nintendo should’ve transferred the data to the other Switch but didn’t. If I had the means I would’ve saved the file to some other medium to resume on the new Switch. That is not something that should be paid

NO. 1 is most important. Know your shit. Being a teacher for a while took away some of my fear of presenting in front of crowds. Still get a tad nervous at the start but the moment I start speaking about the content, the nervousness disappears. Because I know my shit.

See Jose! See what you garbage team did to poor Sir Alex.

I guess everyone would be fucked up.

Wow same happens to me. I can never sleep the night before a flight no matter the time. I hate flying.

And now everyone is in on that trick. Morning flights will now be more in demand and airlines will add capacity to deal with it. Then comes the congestion. Great job!

A little smile goes a long way sometimes.

I remember one time going across to the east on BA (777 methinks). I got the exit row with another dude 2 seats away. Never saw so much legroom. Man did I stretch every sinew of my 6'1" frame. I got a USB port to boot. Like you I try to board at the very last second and sneak to the better seats. Flight attendants

Massive difference there.

Liverpool is one of the historical “big teams” in Europe. Madrid are in a league of their own. Then AC Milan. Liverpool, Barca, Juve, Bayern would make up the 3rd tier. Man Utd would be in a tier below them.

Imagine that. Beating champions of all the top leagues to lose to fucking third place liverpool.

Oh no you do it wrong. Watch headline and immediately scroll to comments. It takes a while because of his long winded garbage but I always get there.

We come for the laughs. Not any serious discussion about football.

Reminds of a case I had with ASUS. Motherboard worked perfect for almost a year. Suddenly it stopped. Took it out of the case and sent it in for repairs. They claim it had bent pins. Bent pins that worked fine for a year. Lol!

That matching fixing thing crossed my mind as well.

Knocked out the champions of France, Italy and Germany to be beaten by Liverpool. You read it here first.

The United States and the USSR had to decide what to do with Korea

SNES is the only possible winner.

When a commentator can’t hold it in is testament of a great moment.