
Best way to avoid accidents with guns... Get a good gun safety education and get your CHILDREN to gun safety classes. the worst thing you can do is treat guns like an evil boogyman and only use scary words. Children absolutely need to understand a gun is not a toy, and that you only point it at things you want dead

I agree the last paragraph was harsh. I’ve pointed out inaccuracies in other articles in the past and they go uncorrected. I was hoping this time it would get a little more traction by criticizing the writer and calling out that they fell short in their job duties. So far the article remains the same though.

I feel it is necessary to point out the inaccuracies of this article. So let’s start

1) “It does so by securing a message with a lock, then giving the key to the sender and receiver.” This is not how the signal protocal works. It does NOT send the key to the sender. If fact, once the message is encrypted on the senders

These issues are all solved by drinking Jameson, like a man. Ladies, I don’t know what to tell you.

East Chicago, Indiana is a smoldering husk of a city. The steel mills and harbor works that used to be there all but destroyed that section of the lake front.

There are two casinos out there, Horseshoe and Ameristar, that are trying to revitalize the area. They recently dumped a bunch of money to revamp the marina

Wtf? East Chicago is basically Gary.

Bitching about criminals being deported? Go fuck yourself. Hopefully a thug from MS13 never murders someone you love. 🖕🖕🖕

Instead, let’s fawn over immigrants who shouldn’t be here, being allowed to drain our resources such as schools, hospitals, and roads, and then dismiss the problem when they hurt or kill an American citizen.

This is canada. It’s the Slims river in the Yukon Territory, not the Yukon River in Alaska.

Thats not Jobs, thats his wife.

It’s so weird that Ballmer is doing this and Gates is eradicating malaria, but Jobs — and his total devotion to consumerism — is the one we’re supposed to love.

I don’t understand where this gun shit came in, but to me this is more about immigrants right, than it is gun rights. I don’t have a gun, I don’t really care about owning a gun. Thank you for again misreading and misrepresenting my thoughts and assuming that I only care about guns.

This is a bipartisan issue. I don’t know why you think that only hardcore alt right would oppose a government mandated ID.

I really don’t give a fuck about guns, but I definitely give a fuck about a national ID that is required in order to meet with your senator at their office, or is required to travel by homeland security which is appointed, not elected by the people. SO keep thinking it’s guns, while the rest of us actually care about

I live in California, and the booted heel is very real.

Thank you for blatantly pointing out how stupid you are. Your shitty state is merely doing it’s job with rejecting the Real ID, not because of your guns, but because it’s unconstitutional, unnecessary, and an incredibly shortsighted national id that does nothing but fuck the basic freedoms our nation was founded upon.

Citing a lifehacker/jezebel piece that is citing a left leaning liberal think tank doesn’t exactly nail your argument. But I can play too. Here is a right leaning economic policy think tank that counters yours.

“Don’t have any real points to counter with. hmm. Flustered. Cast insult! Nice!”

If there is a woman out there who has the same experience and education as a man, and has been working in the same field for the same company for the same amount of time, please, for the love of God, let me know. We will file a lawsuit and we will win. And we will make millions. And I don’t even have a fuckign law

Pay gap stats are the most misleading stats ever.