
No, Gawker Media was never newsworthy news.

We’re still on this? You guys aren’t even part of Gawker anymore, and you’re still complaining. Holy shit.

I’ll be shopping for a new TV within the next 6 months and this is handy information. Thanks.

A bird with eyesight acute enough to spot fish from flight can probably see a chunk of food in a translucent cup.

How can you blindly support someone no matter what they do? That’s fucking insanity. I’m by no means a Trump supporter but I sure as shit won’t just accept that because she’s less crazy than Trump, that makes her qualified to be president.

Democrat here.

I don’t know any Chinese or Taiwanese that are true vegetarians, so this is probably tough.

Baking soda and citric acid are basically the equivalent of baking soda and vinegar. They react with each other, not with what you’re trying to clean. The bubbles can have a sort of light scrubbing effect, but not as much as even a casual pass with a brush.

In other words: How is this different from just using soap,

“It feels like we’re just rentals,” one driver told the Guardian. “We’re kind of like placeholders until the technology comes out.”

The photograph you have leading this article is not a whitefly, it is a moth. Whiteflies are in a different insect order entirely (closest relatives are scale insects and aphids). You can find hundreds of pictures of whiteflies here.

I am not justifying anything. I am pointing out that crap information and crap math was used to make a crap point. If you want to argue about how you can make a child a more healthy lunch than chicken, apple slices (or yogurt), apple juice and about 16 french fries then by all means do so, just don’t use crap data.

The problem is that a chicken McNugget kids meal is only 420 calories, 470 with barbeque sauce. Considering an active 4-8 year old is supposed to consume as much as 1,800 calories/day (1,600 for a sedentary child) then feeding them 3 chicken nugget happy meals a day is not going to make them fat. They are also not

I almost feel bad for you poor people who cannot afford this. I would be glad to consider taking one or two of you as my servants during my next visit.

Well, comparing qualifications can be a tell, but it doesn’t prove definitively. If someone was more qualified then another but were a making a complete ass of themselves in the interview, their chances of getting hired over a less qualified candidate decrease significantly. And comparing qualifications still proves

Why does it have to?

I find this response and advice laughable, I truly do. This seems to be the go to, “why aren’t you a union?” Probably because to form a union you need a small pool of skilled labor that cannot be easily replaced, guess what? You won’t find conditions conducive to forming unions ever again. The pool of canidates now

Can I make a suggestion? Instead of lumping Libretarians in with the rest of the NeoCons and regular conservatives, why not look up the definition of Libretarian first? I think you might be a bit suprised.

I want the government to take care of me womb to tomb. But, they have to take care of me in the lifestyle that I want, not what someone wants for me. Therefore, as soon as the government supplies me with a beachfront house, a Porsche convertible, a really nice boat (docked at my beachfront house), season tickets to my

You're right. We're so awful with our desire to be left alone, our caring about state oppression, and our complete lack of political power.

You progressives. You're all for diversity, except for diversity of thought. Ship the libertarians off to space! Kill all the conservatives! Because #tolerance!