
That’s when my girlfriend removes the empty beer glass you put over the top of my shot glass...and I win the bet.

Now playing

The interpretation is that trump is making fun of somebody due to their handicap but he has a history of using the same gesture to make fun a number of people without disabilities and even himself.

He’s union now, so it’s probably impossible to fire him....

Does he get to keep the United miles for the trip? Only 10-11 more trips like this and he can get a free ride topside.

That’s all well and good if you want your brownies well baked. You left out the “special” ingredient you add if you want the brownie consumers to be well baked too.

Last time I checked, my local taxes paid for most of the roads I drive on, police, and fire. You bring up a good discussion point - how much money should we be sending to DC and how much should we be entrusting to local governments to take care of local issues?

Wait, Gawker is reporting on legislation passed by a Republican controlled congress that benefits the consumer?!?!

Mountains out of molehills?

Trump said it’s happened millions of times by those Univision shills.

You’re not a food/beer snob and you’re living in Portland? Portland, Maine right?

Yup - RIP Packetsled’s Matthew Harrigan. Nobody should touch him with a 10' pole.

We’re putting men in women’s bathrooms too!

There are no threats to Roe v Wade right now either. Abortion is legal in the US.

...and thankfully Hillary nor her SCOTUS nominees won’t be getting in the way of that one! Victory for freedom.

Yeah, I was going to just hit Lifehacker for a few weeks but they’re having the hissy fit over there too. At least my boss will enjoy the productivity boost. See ya when you get back.

Anti-choice nominees for the SCOTUS? I think we’ll see reasonable judges that will give me the choice of which firearm to own and how many. That’s freedom!

If only somebody had a handle that spoke to your suggestion...

The Black Panthers supported and praised Obama...but I’m sure you didn’t throw in with him either.

More transparent government too. He just stopped at “trans”, though.