
A horrible echo chamber where fake news proliferates like fucking crazy.

It’s clearly polling place harrasment and intimidation. Nobody with an outstanding warrant or overdue child support is going to want to risk being on camera by voting. Clearly this is staged by Trump and his entertainment empire.

That’s some nice reporting there. I heard the Verizon guy is doing Sprint commercials - maybe material for another quality story?

With the pending SCOTUS case, we could have a lot more men in the ladies locker rooms, so it makes sense to apeel to them too. When in Rome.

With the pending SCOTUS case, we could have a lot more men in the ladies locker rooms, so it makes sense to apeel to

I’m sure there’s a good Al Gore joke there too...

Can’t understand how people in oversized hats riding horses and bulls is supposed to be entertaining?

And the white people who opened Cracker Barrel...

“The Ransom of Red Chief” ?!?! That’s what happens when the parent gets to pick out the costume for their obnoxious kid. Loved your photo for that!!!

Climate change.

comes with RIFD blocker

How many pharma companies are out there? How often are there stories about bad practices? If that ratio represents a stereotype, then we need to rethink how we talk about groups of people too.

Finally, a scientific explaination for climate change. Thank you Giz!

Since when is an alternate point of view with examples a “defense”?

All he said was that they didn’t see each other again. I’m guessing she was fat, had an annoying voice or snorted when she laughed. Could be that he broke it off, right?

Any suggestions for popcorn butter?

“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.” -Miles Kington

I think I saw this once at a stag party.

I feel validated by those statistics. If the rest of the people in the US understood those correlations, perhaps we could get past wasting so much time/money on gun control and focus on health problems that affect everyone.

to devote resources to limit any guns other than handguns is truly a misallocation of time and money

The device uses a Peltier cell, so it can cool below ambient.