
Can’t we just do a Joss Whedon Dollhouse instead?

I’m surprised Trump hasn’t rolled out this idea for his campaign....

Everybody talks about the Jovian weather, but nobody does anything about it.

For all the anal you see in porn these days, you’d think it would be more common to find women who are in to that....per your logic.

He should throw a bitcoin paper wallet in there with a couple of mBTCs and really throw the future a curveball.

Wait, the southern red states are leading this high-tech/clean energy fight?!? Dozens of Gawker commenters should be up in arms!

OMG - a voter with “buyer’s remorse”?!?! Stop the presses! Queue footage of 8 years of Bush....or 8 years of Obama...terrible hangover after both of them. Must be a slow news day, huh?

These poor, poor intellectuals - worried about being isolated. Maybe they should move to another European country...I donno, like Norway (don’t they do that big Prize thingy?), or Switzerland, maybe Iceland? Oh yeah, none of those countries are in the EU either and look at the horrible things that have happened!!!

I think Seattle’s story of raising the city for sewers is much more impressive. Instead of a 6-8ft increase, there are areas downtown that had to be raised over 20ft - and they did it over a period of many years while keeping businesses open. Check out the Underground Tour if you ever go.

You like your streets clean and your politicians dirty?

I thought Steve Forbes already tried to run....

Nope - Olympics $$$$$ > Vaccine $$. Meanwhile, the Russians know all about dosing.

Two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts will.

Great story, but I think it’s totally inappropriate to tell it in black-face these days. I would think Canadians would be a little more sensitive.

Guys must be Polacks.

Better to incinerate their trash in orbit rather than bringing it back to earth where we’d have to find some place to put it. Great idea, NASA!

Russian thugs

Way to pull a page out of Trump’s book. So ironic and hypocritical since Gawker picks on him endlessly. You guys are definitely first class all the way. You’re “yuge”!

Alissa - I bet you get a little mini orgasm every time you see that car get gobbled up by the city. A personal fantasy of yours - come to life.