
Yeah, well the Israeli security has no qualms about profiling the shit out of people based on age, race, religion, etc so they’re good at identifying high risk targets and screening them appropriately. We’re a little too politically correct here so everybody has to go through the full act in the theater.

Kinda like a drone?

Nope, your mom takes care of that for me....I’ll ask her what detergent she’s using...

Nope, your mom takes care of that for me....I’ll ask her what detergent she’s using...

Unplanned pregnancy when the baby-mama sticks it to you for 18 years.

Ugh, I just don’t get those exofficio boxers. Nylon+Lycra+Mycrotch=superstank. The body loves some cotton...or even wool if it’s going to be a workout.

Ugh, I just don’t get those exofficio boxers. Nylon+Lycra+Mycrotch=superstank. The body loves some cotton...or even

A) Gizmodo is part of Gawker media. Catch up here, would you?

I quoted your initial post where you did talk about the defendant required the burden of proof. Have you never been cross examined before? I’ll have to bill you out at $400/hr if you keep this nonsense up. Just move on to another post - you’ve lost this one.

Beautiful post - thanks for sharing!

Who needs a website to do that when you have lobbyists? Mu ha ha.

There are very good reasons when—and why—the defendant should have the burden of proof.

Are you allowed you use chink in their armor? I thought Gawker was being hypersensitive about any terms that could possibly offend anyone who isn’t a straight male of Euro descent.

Just like douchebag is always used to describe a white guy? Naw, thug is if you wanna talk about “urban youths”, we’ll have more to discuss.

You don’t deserve to be ungrayed if you don’t understand the difference between civil and criminal charges. You’re suggesting somebody who has been charged with a criminal act should be presumed guilty until they prove their own innocence? Who are you, Trump?

Is it not more hypocritical to ask someone to change laws in a foreign country before companies ask the same of their own country a completely different state?

I thought white fungus was the downfall of the bats. Why all the bat stories?

My mom loved me - she used Bactine instead of peroxide.

Just because people want the Bern doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for them. :)

Never been Rickrolled, eh?

Don’t you worry - Bernie will fix it all. It just takes more money to do it!

Ha! Just came in here to claim that it was a Bernie Sanders campaign website.