
Yes it matters.

Well the huge difference Occupy and the Tea Party is their goals and having a plan to achieve them. Occupy, and BLM as well, do have clearly defined goals yet don’t have a clearly defined path on how to achieve them. They have a general plan, like raising and maintaining awareness, changing police SOP, change in

The movement is a joke. The media and politicians eat these idiots up. All police shootings are bad and some are outright executions. But problems in black/poor communities are so much more significant than these encounters. Bad schools, bad air, bad diets, bad or non existent parents, access to illegal guns, war on

Exactly what will he do that wasn't done by all the previous black mayors and majority black city councils?

Probably a combination of the above. If you’re famous, the casino benefits from having you playing there, which in turn draws people to the tables you’re at (Hey, I played blackjack with Portis at the Borgata!), bringing in more gambling revenue, etc.