No need to worry about Affordable Auto selling you a funky car..
No need to worry about Affordable Auto selling you a funky car..
I switched browsers to star this.
Spaceballs. I saw this parody scene before seeing the actual scene in Alien. And I remember, as a 3-year-old, making fun of an adult who was telling a group how shocked he was when he saw the scene, because I didn’t realize at the time that there was a “serious” version.
Don’t be an asshole.
only allowing motorcyclists to filter between cars on highways where the speed limit is 50 MPH or faster and only when traffic is moving at 10 MPH or less.
Surprised more people aren’t harping on the drafting thing. This is all pretty cool and interesting, but having a Suburban run lead for you is complete tomfoolery.
There seems to be something missing from this post—namely, what the Oregon law has to say about moving up to the front of an intersection.
Next attempt, they should do it without a backup car. Real conditions. Every resource on board. 4 drivers, 6 hours shots each, or taking turns every 3 hours... whatever works.
The grille sucks and I want someone to do it WITHOUT the lead Suburban. What is the point of an EV challenge with a 15 mpg Suburban running a screen in front? Also, this whole record will get smashed when Tesla rolls out the battery replacement stations.
So Tesla shares the record with a rented Chevy Suburban?
Man. You’d have like three tickets in my area. On sidewalk and blocking two of those access dip spots. If the cop was in a bad mood and there was a ding on the tree you’d get nailed for that too.
Not legally parked if it’s partly on the sidewalk.
The lack of emotional control needed to do something like this is more alarming to my eyes. The consequences of trying to kick someone off their motorcycle on a hot track or disabling their machine with others around are potentially fatal and go WAY beyond post-race hijinks typically seen in NASCAR.
Obviously there could be a ton of details left out, and I wasn’t there, but I’ll be damned if I don’t think I would have my family OUT OF THAT CAR in the face of the incoming tide the instant we got stuck.