Damn, she's cute.
Damn, she's cute.
This is acceptable.
Dear Kat,
And this is how rumors become fact. Headline from Bleeding Cool:
That was my whole inspiration in writing this. Im glad to have shed some light on it.
add captions you say, forgotted that part
I had no idea used airplanes could be had so cheaply.
Your last partner was a tank, wasn't it?!?!
At least it wasn't a windy day.
This is why i find Americans funny and sad at the same time. The speed limit is posted clearly, and is defined by law. If you don't like it, don't drive that road, or go through the proper channels to have it changed. It IS possible. But instead, many choose to defy the law, and then bitch about it when they get…
In all fairness, the new rule about getting out to attempt to walk on the track only applies to drivers.
Yes. Any pressurization system will have a way for the pilot to monitor both the cabin altitude and the pressure differential. It's usually a dual-faced "clock" gauge.
Sophisticated airplanes have pressurization alarms. I don't know if this one did. Regardless, it *appears* that he noted a problem and decided to keep working on it, progressively asking to descend. Perhaps the leak was slow enough that he tried to stay aloft by descending just enough to keep the cabin pressure gauge…
this is a pressurized turboprop. if there was a crack in the firewall air would go out, not exhaust in.
frosted windows indicate a depressurization incident.
The answer is always "because Miata." You must be new here.
The amazing thing is that 12,000 fucking people found Waldo to begin with.
Back in June, Jezebel's sister site (brother site? Does Jalopnik have a gender?)
While I don't agree with the overall stance of the dealers, they do have a point on this one. Also, is the 150 per year in Georgia, or overall?