
It's worth mentioning that they won the Rally as well!

Even in the 21st century, the A-4 is still a cool little plane. It doesn't really have an "old" look to it.

I'm NOT trying to fault the Focus driver at all here. At the end of the day, the PT driver is an idiot and 100% at fault.

Having said that, my [extreme armchair] analysis of the video leads me to conclude that I would probably not have hit the Cruiser. I have seen WAY too many people run red lights (just saw one three

Lol, can you tell I've been flying a lot recently? I just want to make it from point A to point B with the least amount of human interaction.

Go ahead, Rob. More room for me at the front of an AA plane. Some of us don't fly to listen to that. I saw Ballaban's "Oscar the Grouch" comment, but I totally agree with LtHipster. I'm not trying to fight with you, either. It's just different strokes, I guess. I want to sit down, have a glass of wine and enjoy my

I thought a dick comes in a box?

It varies by dealer.

There are never 3 mini dealers that close to each other.

"If dealerships are taken out of the equation, Obama will steal your 1995-model desktop PC, and no amount of pursuing checkmark boxes will be able to stop him! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!"

"Yeah, but if a wheel fell off and you plowed into a crowd or hit someone, all parties involved with the organization would be very angry. (And probably have a hell of a lawsuit on their hands.)"

"Your shipment may be delayed due to mis-routing in transit"

So at some point the thought "I should record this to show people" crosses their mind, but the attendant thought of "I should make sure they can actually see what the hell I'm trying to record" doesn't.

The dialogue is great....

It seemed more to me like an animal call announcing it's alpha-ness. Like when the T-rex roars at the end of Jurassic Park.

are those tanks?? Nevermind. Watched and commented before reading. I'm an idiot