
I was asking if there were actually 2 planes, and if they were both designated VC-25A. Kioly answered me. Seems odd that they both are called VC-25A.

Thank you.

i see a lot of comments about Air Force One in the replies and its official nomenclature of VC-25A, so I've gotta ask:

why you hatin'?

Flash player? What's that? ::smirk::

Dont forget about your 2 Adam Sandler movies and huge runny dump! (Actually, you'd probably like to forget the movies...)

Is that how they sell cunts, by the bunch? Why not in bags like dicks?

Im sensing a double standard here... Where are all the "ARG! Vertical Video kills kittens!!1!" posts?

HA! I was just trying the explain "dragoning" to my coworker 2 days ago, only to find (via the big G) that it seems to still only be a Jalopnik construct.

How much truck can a troop train tank, if a troop train could tank trucks?

No puns thread yet. I am disappoint.


Maybe Bill was just board.