I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.
I wouldn’t wish a dead dog on my worst enemy, and that includes Mike Pence. I’m glad his furbabybeagle had a long life and, unlike American women, was probably treated very respectfully by Pence.
The shelters where I am (Savannah) let you bring your pets. Which is awesome. When I went through several hurricanes in Florida in 2004-05, the shelters wouldn’t let you.
We have a new puppy! I only had to do an 8 hour round trip in the car with my kids and my wee dog to pick her up. And we really didn’t know for sure that she’d be there (the SPCAs in this area are notoriously bad at updating their sites). But we got there before opening and we fell in love and took her home.
Hey Lauren: can I get a follow? I’ve been commenting on Jezebel for a year now and most of the commenters know and like me (check out my followers as an example). It just seems weird that Gawker comments got followed en masse recently but loyal Jezebel long time commenters are still in the grays, don’t you think?
Now let’s all be great feminists and talk about what a shitty career she has had and she’s not really that pretty anyway and also HOW COULD SHE EVEN MENTION having a child at 47?! Talentless, unattractive, AND entitled.
Personally, I feel like supermodels was a term given to the models of the early 90s - Christy, Naomi, Helena, Tyra, Stephanie, Cindy, etc. So, no, Kendall and Gigi are not supermodels. Seriously, though, have you seen Gigi’s walk? Go find a video of it. Then find a video of Naomi’s walk. That’s the difference between…
So the Rock is playing the Polynesian version of Thor? I can’t wait to see & hear him sing in this. I know we didn’t get much of Moana in this trailer but even the little bit, she looks amazing. The pig looks like a pig version of Bolt, one of my personal favorites. You don’t know the power of Styrofoam.
Just tell me about the pig, ok? Best character so far.
How many films include a disabled person that is a regular human being first, and just happens to be disabled? I can only think of Four Weddings and a Funeral and Notting Hill (made by the same person).
The fact that you think many people with disabilities choose suicide shows that there is not NEARLY enough representation of people with disabilities who do NOT choose suicide.
(((HUGS))) I’d say more, but I don’t really know what to say. I’m sorry you feel so defeated :(
The thing is that the character isn’t a real person. He doesn’t have agency because he doesn’t exist. He was made up by a non-disabled person.
How many films are there where the disabled person decides to live? How many films address the context (political, social, economic) of why someone might choose to die? Context matters here.
Can you please change the headline from “had sex with” to “was gang raped by”?If some of the people involved are over age, as your article states, then this is statutory rape and cannot be consensual. Please change it!