
I remember that piece (lurker since 2006)! Just clicked through to re-read and HOLY HELL. I had thought the Jez of yore was all about not body-shaming. The comments on that performance were brutal.

Yes this story definitely needs more made up reasons to pit women we’ve never met against each other for having different methods of getting money to the relief.

Netflix has actually created a pretty pretty large budget around this film for activism and education (someone I know is leading their organizing efforts) so while fatigue is understandable, there are those fighting this fight—beyond the cultural contribution of simply documenting this—and this film will be shown in

Nextflix and rage.

I unironically love this pedantic comment.

The thing that bothers me is that her preferred pronunciation is not correct in German. It would be if it were spelled Streissand or Streißand, but it’s not, and I haven’t seen any indication of a change at Ellis Island or anything like that. Her grandparents were from a section of modern Poland that was part of the

Are you sure the right’s behavior is what you want to use as your benchmark for deciding how to act?

I love it when I learn that individuals who are funny/loud/outgoing, like Amy Schumer, are actually introverts. I am like this. When I am “on,” I can be the total life of the party and genuinely enjoy it, but I’m going to need like 3 days alone in the woods (just kidding, bugs are gross; please drop me off at the

I’m so glad my teens and early 20s were back in the days of land-line only, if you were lucky!

Why are college-age couples so fucking insufferable?

She can’t give a guy a chino teepee / Cuz she stuffs her bra with t.p. / That one-ply stuff cuz she’s a cheapie...

I’ve Performed at the Super Bowl and Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Nomination and All You’ve Done Is Sit On Some Ugly Rocks With an Englishman

I can’t wait to hear Katy’s new songs because normally her hits (which any song about Taylor would surely be) have extremely simplistic cliche lyrics and I really want to see how many things she rhymes with creepy. So weepy, she smells like peepee, she goes by T-Swifty?

Is he keeping her safe because there’s an earthquake happening and that’s why they’re standing in a door frame?

Indeed. It’s “lesbian shitasses,” dammit!


I cannot imagine how uncomfortable I would be as a woman to read an interview that reads like the writer used his boner instead of his pen to write it.

But like... also this was really shitty. If Bernie had been your candidate and this happened I think you’d be pretty pissed. (Yeah the woman on the right is freaking me out a bit...)

Maybe they were at a party and she thought it would be fun but not involve rape. Do you know how many guys have taken drugs from someone at a party without the expectation that they would be raped?

Wow. Not that this excuses this little shitstain’s behaviour at all but with a father like that, that boy never stood a chance.