The Ape

So is he admitting that he cannot distinguish bots from humans so he has to charge every human user suspecting it might be a bot?

So this was Musk’s brilliant plan all along. He had to sink Twitter low enough in time to avoid being on this list. Genius /s

Someone should point it out to him that he needs to include Twitter into the mix otherwise it won’t make any sense that some things still sit outside x, the everything app.

So, they will still have a free version and hence will need to comply with EU laws on that part. So how does having a paid service help with that? 

I am amazed how much of air traffic control still happens verbally today. Rather than tell someone to get on the runway, can’t they have it input into a system which then relays it to whoever needs to be listening. Then at least you can build safeguards that the system won’t allow you to invite 2 planes on the same

It has gone past the point where a business would say - “we have this nice product that people want, so let’s make money from it”. Right now, it’s just a firefight against - “we have no idea what will sell, but we need to make money, so hey, can we quickly do something to make people pay us”

Depends on what it is for

He cannot do many things legally. The entertainment proposition is in seeing him try. Because, he does try

If you can conclude all this already from advertised use case and price, why even bother testing it? After all, the only value of testing then is to have an opinion on whether it is worth it for that one use case. What is the real value add from LTT here?

> “A page’s load speed affects an article or site’s search engine rankings, with quickly loading sites appearing higher on Google which prioritizes sites that load in no more than 2.5 seconds”

It wasn't his child ego that forced him to buy Twitter. It was rather the lawsuits and looming court order that forced his hand. He isn't in that kind of corner in this case. He can be stupid and create a spectacle out of this, but can always walk it back anytime because he thinks he can buy his way out of every

It's all fun and games until it's time to renew the subscription or you want to get your data back. Now you are on the hook for $1494 with no practical way to get back 20TB within the time you have left

He can always reverse what he says because it was based on "best of his knowledge" - which is "nothing much" 

Congratulations on falling for the hype created by the film producers, taking it as a fact and advertising for them (free?). Instead of a named shade, which was specifically created for such brand association, why don’t you give us the exact color code and I can walk into any paint shop and get it mixed

Is he trying to say that he is going to do something about disinformation on “Twitter”, and go against his previous self’s vision of it being a unfiltered town square?

Correction - "threatened to sue". I'll bet 10 cents it doesn't go anywhere beyond that. Anything more isn't worth the attention

It's so good to see confirmation that aliens / God speak a language that "some" humans invented and use

They might potentially be able to use all these instances to force Twitter out when the time comes for it. As long as they have communication with Twitter and can showcase a rougue tenant who isn’t listening despite being asked, they might be able to move any liabilities over.

From what I understand, it wasn't the property owner but rather the tenant that blocked the inspectors. Still baffling that the property owner isn't doing anything in light of these events. Maybe they just want to avoid being caught in crossfire and let musk et. al. deal with the fire

Things are worth exactly what someone pays for them. This is not a mass market item, so it doesn't matter what someone who did not buy it values it for. There is a single copy, and it's worth is whatever the highest bidder is willing to pay