
@oh no i di'n't: "Steven, can we get that TPS report on my desk asap, mmkay?"

This guy is awesome.

@aMatic: Agreed whole heartedly

Stupid ass explanation... but cool looking nonetheless.

@Dr.Evil4.0: I forget, newfies are like 15-30 minutes ahead of nova scotia aren't they? NS is a hour ahead of Toronto, NY, etc.

How is it that people wouldn't know that Eastern Canada exists? Second biggest country in the world, It's pretty obvious their would be a east side. Haha.

@PPL(A), night: How do you know there wasn't a malfunction or something else that caused it? They are still investigating this.

I say this is pretty wicked.

I absolutely LOVE that you included some examples of affordable audio gear... this has been lacking in a lot of other Giz articles... but so happy to see some examples here!

@Lizard_King: This is true actually... Get your handslapped at a mall or get taken to federal court? You pick.

@a t o m i i c: the left looks like a real woman.... the right looks like one of those "real sex dolls". Sorry but thats the first thought that popped in my head.

@LucasReis - LOCK2K: Pretty much they just pick characters they like the most. They are not really doing it for people outside the community as much as they are doing it for themselves. For example, I might be tall fat and bald, but if megaman is my bread and butter, guess who I'm gonna be.

@pseizure2000: Exactly. And nor do I see people making fun of the actual people, rather than making fun of the awkward photoshopped version of the pic. I don't get his argument at all.

@transations: The only negative comments I have is towards the photoshopped pics. I say stay away from photoshop, if your gonna go out and wear costumes and be proud of it, then be proud of it.... stay out of photoshop haha.

It's funny how they managed to turn the girls uglier w photoshop.

I like very much.

So... how can it be the worlds tallest tent already if it is not built yet? Kind of misleading there.

@Pierce Nichols: I'm really trying to figure out how to stop dating crazy.... but they just keep coming.

@Batousi: Well.. it's a free site that we don't pay for.. sure... but make no mistake the more we come the more money they make. We don't pay for google but advertising made them billionaires. Kotaku makes money the same way.. the more we come, the more money they make. I'm glad they are here doing what they do,