
@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: No I know... a lot of people really loved it, I seem to be the black sheep with this one, but I just couldnt stand it. Even basic things like the graphics.. when he dies, where are the physics? He's floating around the screen like a ragdoll in space.. And when

#tips, when upgrading to the iOS4, all of the pictures I took with my DSLR and transferred to my iphone in albums became super low quality. Pixelated and blurry once the update was over.

@meow-mixer: You know whats weird... I took the chance and just updated it anyway... since everythings on my comp anyway..

not including the download, it was less than half hour.... including the download, about 45 minutes or more

Anyone know if not backing it up will screw with the installation?

@Petey Liu: it does.. I'm not bothering... I manually backed mine up on another computer so... if shit happens I'll just get it from there

@Isotopes: Is calling people fanboys your answer to everything? Or do you actually have some opinion or input?

@prn: Yeah... I have a hard time taking that seriously. I have all 3 major consoles, and by far I think PS3 has the other 2 beat in terms of quality, polish, built in bluray, free online network. I much rather play Sony's exclusive titles then 360's. They are just better in general. Left4Dead2 is the exception.

@aThingOrTwo: Sorry but as a producer I can never recommend Sony headphones. Ick.

@chauncy that billups: EXACTLY.... everything you just said. Mark Wilson you got some splainin to dooooo.

Woah woah woah... hold the phone... How the heck does the XBOX360 get best Game Console? Are you frickin kidding me? What the hell is that based off of.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Yeah, thats why you always hear about them no matter where u go.

@joaomota92: Exactly... there should be a "Best Gadgets on a budget" post.

@Joghobs: Star Ocean 4 was exclusive to XBOX for the longest time too... I just don't get it.. Especially with Vesperia... exactly what you said... why make an exclusive title while your a somewhat unknown brand in the west already? You would think they want to expose themselves to the broader market, not just

@Diamond Sea: Throw some "better advertising" in there and your jolly.

@konaa: I would most definitely say FF13 was bad. In fact it was such a huge let down, I dont know if I can trust there will be another actually good FF game again.