
Yeah... FG really threw themselves into the fire with this one.. won't be getting my support.

@PuffyTail: Try calling a black guy a N***** and see if you get a beat down or not. It's not all that rare a situation, and a lot of people would agree with the reaction. In reality, abuse provokes further abuse. None of it is right. None of it is justifiable, and all of it is preventable if people had a handle on

@PuffyTail: I was being sarcastic. But, I do have something to say about your response.

@jayislost: I honestly thought they were more kind of humourous and sometimes had a really retro feeling. I thought it was somewhat poking fun at some of the quirky japanese games they have out there, that require you to press 1 button really fast for extended periods of time, etc. The whole mowing lawns,

@Ueziel: The wii version is great, and I am very curious to see how the PS3 version will cope with the controls. Having said that, I think the ps3 version will be great, and I dont think its too picky to say, the Wii version looks like utter shit on a HDtv. On a sdtv its fine, but get it on my HDtv and its jaggedy

@nago: Absolutely. The same reason why great movies can go unnoticed, and shit movies are everywhere making hundreds of millions. The industry does'nt strive to make the best game.. they strive to make the most money, hence a lot of games out there are strikingly similar.

@BlueToast: Not sometimes. All the time. Otherwise we would have a shitload more awesome games in the market.

@jayislost: like what? I found it all pretty satisfying.

@Koztah: I was gonna say Ghostbusters.. but I guess they would'nt do much.

@ostartero: bullshit. Why does everyone think the "average" ps3 user does'nt like any other games then FPS's and shit. LBP seems to have done ok, Ratchet n Clank is cranking out the sequels nicely. SF4 is doing pretty damn good. I hate when everyone clumps the next gen users into this hardcore FPS category.

Ubisoft are pussies. Thats the only reason why I could see them pass. I have the Wii version, and I'm gonna be buying the ps3 remake on day of release. Wii version was a great game, but playing it on a HDtv is gutwrenching. I'm ecstatic its' going hd on ps3.

You could say the same thing about woman being mentally abusive to men. Yet where are the campaign ads against that? Address both sides and it would be less likely to have issues arise. Half the time men resort to physical violence is after they've been pushed into corners and verbally, emotionally abused. I'm not

@Rexter: They shouldnt be in a uproar. Bitches deserve it once and a while.

@General Gumball: They should provide a link that teaches women how to respect their partner to avoid getting bitchslapped.

Violence against women would be a lot more rare if they were'nt so damn naggy and annoying most of the time.