
Thank you. I can't be upset that this woman has made a modest fortune writing schmalzy memoirs when there are so many bros in silicon valley or on wall street making two or three times as much while producing nothing. This woman really doesn't represent extreme income equality in the US.

I just remembered I'm supposed to be working on programming for our ten year university reunion.

Yes. Thank you. Jezebel authors always dismiss these guys. See Lindy Wests' glib response: "While it's alarming to see such hardened hate spewing from such a young person, the transparency of dumb, unformed minds is oddly reassuring. Hatred like this is always self-hatred. Adulthood is scary, change is scary, women

I agree that there are legitimate reasons to breed. There are rare breeds that are cultural patrimony, for instance.

I have accomplished everything 12 year old me wanted to accomplish. But, much like the fictional character Francis Underwood from netflix's original series, I have martyred my innocence and crushed other human beings to do it. No regrets. YOLO.

Pets are family to me too. That's actually why I kill them. I'd also kill any one of my human family members if they were in enough pain. In fact, I've sworn to do so. So yeah... fun times ahead.

When they put a small animal down they are supposed to use gas to anesthetize it first. Sometimes they'll tell the owner that they can't be present because they don't want the liability of exposing the owner to the gas. But in that case you offer to sign a waiver. In all honesty if the vet won't let you be present at

You mad, bro?

Dude, not every woman has massive hangups about abortion. Some do, but most don't. In my experience the most upsetting thing about abortion is that your budget takes a hit. Few women have coverage. A lot have to travel to have the abortion.

What is the weather like where you will be interviewing? Will you have to contend with snow or rain possibly?

I'm sorry, but you did seem to be speaking rather forcefully ("wtf") while accusing this woman of bringing a frivolous lawsuit. Now I realize that you might have just been using the word "frivolous" in a colloquial sense. But you should understand that it's also a legal term. If you say that someone has brought forth

The comments about these men being "hot" are gross. By calling these men "hot" you're forcing them into the role of white knight. You're forcing them into the role of beneficiaries of rape culture.

"If anything she should sue him." This statement doesn't make any sense.

As I just explained in my essay-long response to the OP, she probably can. You are talking out of your ass.

I understand the point you're trying to make, but really, your comment represents a misunderstanding of what the wife is doing here. She's not suing the other woman for sleeping with her husband. (Although in some states there are laws that permit that kind of lawsuit.) She's suing to get back her OWN money. This is