Kurt Russell!!! I just turned so girly all of a sudden
Kurt Russell!!! I just turned so girly all of a sudden
Glad u think so
I was obsessed with this game for like 6 months. Then almost overnight I hated it. Noticed that I’d get way too worked up over stupid shit. Couldn’t enjoy it after that. Battlefield 1 took its place and I’m so so glad it did.
U know when u yawn so hard it makes your eyes tear up? That happened to me just now reading this. Like multiple times. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn... oh jeez it just happened again. Pair stupidity with determination and u get this guy influencing any weak and malleable minds unlucky enough to…
Go find a “safe space or “cry room” to lock yourself away for 4/8 years or just move to Mexico. Isn’t that what all u powderpuffs were supposed to doing a long time ago? I’m sure Tijuana or Juarez would be much more to your liking.
Goddamn. Shut the eff up and move on. “Fascism” tch. This whiney creampuff nonsense just goes so far out of bounds and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... And on and on and on.
Holy shit!
Can’t wait to play with Materia again. The Materia system is genius. Materia combinations are fun to discover, experiment, and test. Finding a rare Materia is exciting. Finding a Summon Materia is even more exciting. Being able to level up Materia makes them even more valuable and I like the anticipation of wanting to…
NO FUCKING WAY!!! it looks the same! Im worried they go way off from the original. And there’s menus! Oh I’m so happy. I just have to not die before it comes out.
I feel asleep the second I clicked on this article. It’s 8 hours later. I better bookmark this for when I can’t catch Zs
Wow looks and sounds really good
Reenacting Need for Speed? Heh, he’s sure they weren’t just, i don’t know, driving fast?
How about, “Valve is training AI for Holiday release of Half Life 3"?
I remember a high school class mate saying he used 1 or 2 tops which made no sense to me, but he was the best at everything so I guess 1 or 2 was enough
So u play battlefield to level up? I understand a desire for more weaponry and customization and such, but this game is ridiculously well done. It’s precise, sound and graphics are amazing, getting kills and taking points is extremely rewarding, the “Battlefield Moments” are exciting, it’s balanced, feels very…
I think they’ll get along just fine. Japan’s done quite well with its borders pretty much closed to immigration. Australia too.
Maybe the same reason someone calling himself cornhollio thinks he has wit, and thinks our pres. is illiterate, and believes that a professional liar and presidency class politician would somehow be better. Oops did I just dominate this conversation? I’m so sorry.
Jesus stfu. You’re reaching. So u care about laws when it suits you? How bout criticizing your own party’s screw ups? Y’all are the reason Orange Money is POTUS. And it’s those same reasons why I’ll never call myself a Democrat again. Hypocritical, politically correct when I wanna be, and kick and scream til i get…
I wish I had to go to makeup every morning. An hour of someone lightly playing with your face sounds like it’d feel good
This guy deserves a really really hard slap to the face. What a dick