
Evolution in reverse

Ppl are flying in from out of state? For Pokemon Go? They’re asking for it.

So instead of taking it out like men, they got physical... Like men.

It bes Atari. That’s what it does 🙃

How to get into anime: watch Akira for the first time.

Also, for every hundred or so guys, i might hear a girl on chat. And ive never once in 4 competitive seasons and multiple hundreds of hours logged heard anyone picking on a female for being female. Open voice chat to your teammates and toxicity WILL be a problem often and regardless of race or gender. When that

Rule number one, dont be a dick. But seriously, when harassment is a problem just switch servers. This isnt high school. Youre not stuck seeing the same pricks every day.

Grrr, we dont like you or how you make your clothing... oh selling it? We got no problem selling it.

Isnt this the story of every American clothing brand? Doesnt Apple have some questionable business practices? Gonna get all worked up at Amazon for selling clothing made under the same conditions? Or Nordstrom for selling Ivanka’s brand?

Yaaawn. So this is what ppl with few real world problems like to think about?

Heh, didnt notice the sarcasm the very moment you read ‘Don King’? The guy is making your point exactly, except with a bit more subtlety, but not by much lol.

Hah so Mayweather just called him a loud obnoxious biker. I like the new definition of the other ‘F word’. Fits much better.

Maybe the spinning motion could fix that hair of his. Except i think hes still alive

U say fuck The Root cause they have large dry sponges where their grey matter should be.

Haha thats a good way to put it

Dontcha love hacker wannabes

Never played Indigo Prophecy, but super powered kung fu fights and casual racism doesn’t sound like a devolution to me. Sounds like a good weekend night. Sounds like a Hollywood movie to me.

Pretty sure an overwhelming majority support net neutrality, and this govt’s opinions on tech and web would piss off nearly everyone if they were informed of this nonsense.

Welcome to the real world I guess? I’d be fake as hell to get 11 million subscriber kind of money. Try being a cook for a decade, then come back and see how u feel about being a YouTube celebrity.

The people getting offended over anime are looking for a reason to be offended. It IS funny. It ISN’T serious. And yes, if you don’t like it, don’t watch it. That’s what normal ppl do, those who can take a joke without losing their cool. That’s what I do, and not cause something offends me.