
All of our complaining has given this witch Sarkesian (or however u spell her name. I don’t care) a paycheck. Let’s all shut up about her and take that paycheck away so she has to get a real job. Can we please move on and never speak of her again? Please just make her disappear.

It’s not that they’re not honoring it. That price guarantee only applies to non sale items. The price for Doom at gamestop is the sale price and the guarantee doesn't work for sale or clearance

It’s not that they’re not honoring it. That price guarantee only applies to non sale items. The price for Doom at

Does Doom get way better past the first level? I downloaded the demo for PS4 Where you play that first level. You get the pistol then the shotgun but from what I remember it was difficult to hit anyone with the pistol, and the shotgun was short on ammo most of the level. I ended up meleeing like 80% of the enemies I

Does Doom get way better past the first level? I downloaded the demo for PS4 Where you play that first level. You

I just checked gamestop for Dooms price. They have it new for the same ($20) , used $52. So it may be in reaction to Amazon, but you don’t have to wait a few days or pay shipping if you've got a gamestop nearby

I just checked gamestop for Dooms price. They have it new for the same ($20) , used $52. So it may be in reaction to

- L3 to sprint is a terrible thing. You lose precise control for that tenth of a second. And that matters.

I can’t stand the one second shield matrix cooldown. Can neutralize mcree, pharah, reaper, roadhog ults completely. And because of the reduced cooldown, it’s used too much. And it’s too often that there isn’t something 5 feet away to hide behind when she ults. Yes she’s too powerful.

Ooooooor we could just leave it as is since this is the one and only complaint we've heard about this. We don't need a handful of ppl screwing things up for the many of us who like it the way it is. And those few can get over themselves instead. Shocking, right? The many ignoring the few

What a jerk. It’s well known that you don’t know what you’re going to get from a kickstarter campaign, and sometimes it fails completely with no finished product. If he didn’t know that going in, if he didn’t do the research, he shouldn’t be tossing large sums of money. This games pre release gameplay is already

Good. Maybe it’ll curb a bunch of the garbage they call games. A little less clogging up of the app stores with complete nonsense

Can’t stand portals so screw that one. So glad Torbjorn is getting nerfed. And if you suck at the game, then fine, play Bastion.

I’m so sick oF this Chinese nonsense with games. They suck phallic Bananas at making games and I hate them fort it, clogging up the market with absolute garbage no one wants.

I don’t think I could point out bad animation. Kinda like how I don’t notice bad acting unless it’s 80s action movie bad. But once you point it out, it's pretty hilarious. That loop is perfect.

Quinn is total trash heap pile of nonsense. Can’t stand her and I hope her and her ridiculous game are never mentioned anywhere again. The definition of pretentious fits her perfectly

I hate kids and I hate their parents more

Pretty stupid thing to say. The other day my somewhat friend who runs smog checks and isnt tech savvy ran into this problem. Couldnt run his smog checks because the unwanted installation fouled something up. Screwed up his business for a short time.


Someone gets paid (im guessing well paid) to write this pile of baby shit?