Anora Zbornak

There was an episode of Rizzoli and Isles where Rizzoli’s mom had a crush on O’Reilly. She watched him on mute, I think.

Also if their physical appearance pleases them. Dudes like this claim they can’t listen to some of us because they’re distracted by the fact that we look too fuckable, and then turn right around and claim that they can’t listen to the rest of us because they’re distracted by the fact that we don’t look fuckable

Remember when someone described Roger Ailes balls as looking like old hamburger meat (During the sexual misconduct allegations)? That’s how I imagine most of these guys to be. Nasty, small-dicked and generally repulsive when their clothes come off as though Hieronymus Bosch was using their nether-regions as

I didn’t hear a word he said, I was looking at the police record where Bill O’Reilly choked his ex-wife in front of his teenage children. Why is a wife beater who lost legal access to his children allowed to BE on TV anyway

These men, these trash piece of shit men like O’Reilly and Trump, love to insult women’s looks. They think it’s like a shot to the core or something. That something so trite is cutting or even witty.

Locomotive Jones is a troll, btw.

Theyare kevlar bras.

I don’t know why “cash me ousside” girl even got her 15 minutes. Cartman had that act down 15 years ago.

I’m totally up for more “Snapped”.

But i had to lol bitterly at the most racist contest. “I was racist at 10!”, “Beat you kkk bro, i was racist by 3 yrs old!”

Srsly. That’s the snowflakiest response I’ve seen lately - white, cold, and melting down under pressure.

So the polls that say that young people only would have elected Clinton because younger people are more racially diverse. This is good.

Unlawful: check. Violence: check. Intimidation: check. Civilian victim: check.

Because statistics evidence and empirical research mean something. They actually include facts. You’re opinion driven and moronic.

This is why I hate it when people state they are waiting for the “racist boomers to die”. Mother fucker, look what’s coming next. I don’t trust anyone. Even my family has a slight racist, conservative bent that was not there ten years ago. I don’t get why.

The savior of white women who fuck black men. He’s here to save you white women from thugs and successful black men - that’s all black folk are I guess- and he is will show you a better way. A white way just like the 1950's!

I’m so over white dudes today.

Let’s see how he responds when he finally hears that when a white man fails, it is his personal, specific failure, but when anyone else fails, it is an indictment of everyone they represent. If Alan Sorkin makes a movie that bombs, that is his bad movie and a one-off. If Tina Fey makes a movie that bombs, women aren’t